A Few Weeks Into My New Diet

Hello T-Nation!

I would like to share my diet plan and workout schedule and see what everyone thinks. I would greatly appreciate any advice or corrections to help me out!

I just joined a gym and started working out when school started, August 2006. I’m 18 years old, 142 lbs, 5’ 11" 10% body fat. I’d say I am moderately happy with the results ive gotten so far. I’m cut, but I don’t have great muscle mass. I’d really like to gain some weight.

I just recently started bulking and actually paying attention to my diet. I’ve been bulking and watching my diet closer for around 4 weeks now. Before I did, I weighed from 130-135. Today is the first day I have ever recorded my nutrient totals. I’ll go ahead and share them (its 8PM, I still have 1 or 2 meals ahead of me)

Breakfast - 3 cups yellow grits, butter and jelly toast

8:30AM - PB&J

12:30 lunch - banana, apple

3:45 after workout - clif ‘builder’ bar, big protein shake (in blender with rice milk, banana, flax oil, fruit jelly), toast with butter and jelly

6:45 toast yet again

Totals as of 8pm: 2685 calories, 75g fat, 119g protein, 397g carbs

Since Ive been bulking for 3 weeks ive gained about 3 pounds (139-142 lbs). I’d particularly like to know some good ways to pack good meals to work and school. Pretty much every day I bring a PB&J, an apple, and a banana. I can probably get a lot more calories in for those 2 meals.

For a skinny guy trying to put on mass, is a fat/protein/carb ratio of 15/15/75 percent good? Ive heard differing opinions on this type of ratio.


[quote]rendermatt wrote:
Hello T-Nation!

Breakfast - 3 cups yellow grits, butter and jelly toast[/quote]

need protein here


8:30AM - PB&J[/quote]

some real protein here as well

12:30 lunch - banana, apple[/quote]

add food to the fruit here


3:45 after workout - clif ‘builder’ bar, big protein shake (in blender with rice milk, banana, flax oil, fruit jelly), toast with butter and jelly

6:45 toast yet again[/quote]

protien here

Totals as of 8pm: 2685 calories, 75g fat, 119g protein, 397g carbs

Since Ive been bulking for 3 weeks ive gained about 3 pounds (139-142 lbs). I’d particularly like to know some good ways to pack good meals to work and school. Pretty much every day I bring a PB&J, an apple, and a banana. I can probably get a lot more calories in for those 2 meals.

For a skinny guy trying to put on mass, is a fat/protein/carb ratio of 15/15/75 percent good? Ive heard differing opinions on this type of ratio.


I have no clue how you are getting 120g of pro from that unless its damn near all in that shake spread it out bro eat some meat get some more good fats etc if you take the diet you have add protein it wouldnt be to shabby


Calorie count looks ok, you should up it some cause it seems like your pretty small so you shouldnt worry about fat. EAT SOME MEAT. THEN EAT SOME MORE MEAT. Youre not getting enough complete proteins in that diet, your only good source is the shake and thats not as good as real meat.