Hello T-Nation!
I would like to share my diet plan and workout schedule and see what everyone thinks. I would greatly appreciate any advice or corrections to help me out!
I just joined a gym and started working out when school started, August 2006. I’m 18 years old, 142 lbs, 5’ 11" 10% body fat. I’d say I am moderately happy with the results ive gotten so far. I’m cut, but I don’t have great muscle mass. I’d really like to gain some weight.
I just recently started bulking and actually paying attention to my diet. I’ve been bulking and watching my diet closer for around 4 weeks now. Before I did, I weighed from 130-135. Today is the first day I have ever recorded my nutrient totals. I’ll go ahead and share them (its 8PM, I still have 1 or 2 meals ahead of me)
Breakfast - 3 cups yellow grits, butter and jelly toast
8:30AM - PB&J
12:30 lunch - banana, apple
3:45 after workout - clif ‘builder’ bar, big protein shake (in blender with rice milk, banana, flax oil, fruit jelly), toast with butter and jelly
6:45 toast yet again
Totals as of 8pm: 2685 calories, 75g fat, 119g protein, 397g carbs
Since Ive been bulking for 3 weeks ive gained about 3 pounds (139-142 lbs). I’d particularly like to know some good ways to pack good meals to work and school. Pretty much every day I bring a PB&J, an apple, and a banana. I can probably get a lot more calories in for those 2 meals.
For a skinny guy trying to put on mass, is a fat/protein/carb ratio of 15/15/75 percent good? Ive heard differing opinions on this type of ratio.