Hi all,
After a few weeks of posting my training logs on facebook, i realized I’m talking to the wrong audience. So here we go…
I’m 37 (nearly 38) and have been doing weight “training” since I was 15. Unfortunately I developed bad habits early on, and was at best recreational in my attempts at lifting. I primarily followed a split routine focused on using machines and the occasional dumbbell for isolation exercises. I’ve squatted maybe 20 times total in that 20 year span, and had never done deadlifts. Yeah, I know. Sad.
Anyway, at some point in the last two months I looked in the mirror and though “I’m turning 40 soon, is this what I want in my life?”. So I made a decision to completely throw away all that I’ve learned and start over with a back to the basics approach. I stumbled upon “stronglifts 5x5” which as most of you know is just a variation of the 6 core compound lifts. The instruction Mehdi gave was just enough to motivate me and correct a lot of the deficiencies in my routine and start over. I’m just now reading through the various articles on T-Nation (i just joined) and I see a lot of great programs / articles / people here, and I’m excited & motivated to participate.
So on to how I’m doing with the program. I started about 8 weeks ago (i’m going to complete the full 12 weeks before I try out a different program). I used the online spreadsheet to calculate my starting weight for 5x5. I’ve been keeping my training log in the SL iPhone tracker, but I’d like a place to post videos for form critique, and I’d love feedback or suggestions to try.
So without further adieu, here’s my starting numbers:
Date: 5/25/2012
Age: 37
Height: 5’ 5"
Bodyweight: 172lb
BF % (digital scale) 28%
Waist: 38"
Starting Lifts (fairly low for my strength level, but I wanted to follow the program to a T.).
NOTE: All numbers represent weight done with correct form 5x5, not 1RM.
Squat: 45lb
Bench Press: 85lb
Pendly Row: 65lb
Overhead Press: 55lb
Deadlift: 90lb
I’m now 23 sessions into the program, and here are my current numbers as of 7/16/2012
Weight: 165 (i actually dropped to 163 but the weight is climbing again)
BF: 24.4% (switched to caliper)
Squat: 160lb
Bench Press: 140lb
Pendly Row: 125lb
Overhead Press: 105lb
Deadlift: 195lb
My long-term goals for this year is to squat 225 5x5, and DL 270. Considering I’ve never done either of these exercises it’s a bit of a stretch goal, but I’ll make it (barring injury).
My short term goals are simply 165lb (100% bw) lifts on Squat, BP, row, 245lb (1.5x BW) on deadlift, and 125lb (.75% BW) on overhead press.
Anyway, thanks for reading…