I used to read the auto forums only and started reading /fit/ when I started working out. That’s how I found out about T-Nation…
Have had. Anonymous is legion, after all.
Also: rules 1 and 2 exist to avoid epic failure such as chanology.
Also also: rule 34 on Jamie Eason, plz
[quote]ghost wrote:
Beowolf wrote:
Old hat is old.
But yeah, epic troll was FUCKING EPIC.
And FUCK rules 1 and 2. /b/ is dead.
that’s been repeated for years now[/quote]
Because /b/s been dead for YEARS.
[quote]LUEshi wrote:
God, now we have 4chan idiots on here.
Have had. Anonymous is legion, after all.
Also: rules 1 and 2 exist to avoid epic failure such as chanology.
Also also: rule 34 on Jamie Eason, plz[/quote]
Rules 1 and 2 were for when no one knew about /b/. People don’t even REMEMBER the old /b/, when every post wasn’t just a fucking rehash of someone else’s used-to-be-funny meme.
/b/ is dead. Kindly GTF over it. It produces lulz occasionally, and anon shall ALWAYS exist, but /b/ as an entity has become filled with failure.
[quote]Beowolf wrote:
LUEshi wrote:
God, now we have 4chan idiots on here.
Have had. Anonymous is legion, after all.
Also: rules 1 and 2 exist to avoid epic failure such as chanology.
Also also: rule 34 on Jamie Eason, plz
Rules 1 and 2 were for when no one knew about /b/. People don’t even REMEMBER the old /b/, when every post wasn’t just a fucking rehash of someone else’s used-to-be-funny meme.
/b/ is dead. Kindly GTF over it. It produces lulz occasionally, and anon shall ALWAYS exist, but /b/ as an entity has become filled with failure.[/quote]