90 Day Bodybuilding Challenge

Ive wanted to make a log on here for a long time, so i could be held accountable for my progress/lack of progress. After reading Bricknyce’s “Bodybuilding Bible”, as well as reading a crapload of info on bodybuilding, ive decided that i want to follow a bodybuilding routine. I plan on following this routine for at least 6 months, but Ive putting myself to the test to see how much progress I can make in 90 days. Ive been lifting for about 3 years, but I would say i’ve only been lifting with actual knowledge about weight training for 1.5-2 years. Currently, at 19 years old, I stand at 5’11"-6’ tall, and weigh 183.5 lbs (as of Tuesday, July 6). I dont know what my bodyfat is, I basically adjust calories according to how i look in the mirror, but i would say im between 12 to 15 percent. Ill post a picture up in the near future.

My goal by the end of these 90 days is to be at 190-195 pounds. As for my lifts, my goals are:
Bench-225 (1RM)
Squat- 225 (6-8 reps)
Deadlift- No idea, but id say 315 (1RM)

My workout schedule looks like this:

Day 1: Chest and Biceps
Day 2: Quads and Hams
Day 3: OFF
Day 4: Shoulders Tri’s and Traps
Day 5: OFF
Day 6: Back Abs and Calves
Day 7: OFF

The days that i workout vary, but i try to get all my workouts in in 7 days. In the past, when I tried bodybuilding style workouts, I realized that I: a) did too many sets b) Didnt know how to properly do the exercise c) used too much weight d) didnt focus on the muscle. My main focus this time is trying to feel the muscle work, and develop that mind-muscle connection. I realized I have to put my ego aside, and not worry how much weight im using. Its about getting the reps. Also, Im trying not to grind my reps out. I just need to go lighter.

As for my diet, Ive done the P + C and P + F style meals for a while. My carbs will vary, where I may eat oatmeal instead of quinoa for that specific meal. Also, i could be a little cleaner with my carb source, specifically not using white bread, but ive noticed it really doesnt make a difference when your trying to gain weight. As long as your steadily gaining weight, and not too much bodyfat, youll be fine. My diet is as follows:

Meal One:
3 egg omelet
2 slices 100% Whole Wheat Bread
1.5 oz raisins
8-10 oz 1% milk
1 scoop whey protein

Meal Two:
5 oz chicken (weighed uncooked)
1/4 cup quinoa
1.5 oz raisins

Meal Three:
5 oz chicken (weighed uncooked)
1/4 cup quinoa
1 apple/banana

Meal Four:
Two scoops whey protein
2 oz cashews
1 oz walnuts

Meal Five:
7.4 oz ground turkey
1 egg
Veggies, Salt, Pepper
1 slice provolone
Kaiser Roll

This sums up to about 3000-3100 cals. I usually split up meal five into two meals. I workout in between meals one and two, around 2-3 pm, and i take a whey/dextrose/leucine shake during my workout, and Surge Recovery after my workout. Thats around 600 cals.

Had my first workout today: Friday 7/9/10

Chest and Biceps

A1.Bench Press
135 x 10
145 x 10
155 x 7

A2. Barbell Curl
50 x 10
55 x 10
60 x 10

B1. Incline DB Press
40 x 10
45 x 10
50 x 10

B2. Hammer Curl
15 x 10
20 x 10
25 x 10

C1. Hammer Strength Chest Press
35 x 12
40 x 12
45 x 12/13

C2. Machine Curl
45 x 12
50 x 10
55 x 7

Numbers went up from last week, so thats good. My bench is embarassing. I have no endurance. My friends pointed out that I tend to hold my breath when I bench, and my head comes off the bench. Thats no good. Also, I dont like curl machine because i cant feel my biceps working, but ill give it a try for a few more weeks. Legs tomorrow. Time to get in more meals.

Good luck. What are your lifting goals? If you are 15% fat right now, how much bodyfat do you want to be at the end of 90 days?

Thanks alot man. As for lifting goals, if you were referring to the bench, squat, and dl numbers, i stated them above. Honestly Im going for more mass, basically everywhere. Bodyfat wise, I want to stay at the same % or + or - 1%.

Thought they were your current maxes. What supplements do you use?

Creatine, Leucine (occasionally), dextrose, whey isolate, fish oil, vitamin d, multivitamin (centrum), Surge recovery

Day 2- 7/10/10

Quads and Hams

A1. Squats (Narrow Stance)
145 x 10
155 x 10
165 x 10
175 x 10

B1. Seated Leg Curl
80 x 12
90 x 12
100 x 12

C1. Machine Hack Squat
35 x 10
45 x 10
55 x 10

D1. Glute Ham Raises
5 reps
4 reps
3 reps

D2. Seated Leg Extensions
25 x 10
30 x 10
35 x 10

Was going to do stiff leg dl’s after squats,but when i was warming up with the bar i felt tightness in my back. whenever i do this exercise i always feel my back working alot, and i feel my hams not working as much. But the next day my hams are very sore. Idk.

Went to my buddy’s graduation party in staten island, so only had breakfast, my periworkout supplementation, a subway sandwich, and 2 hot dogs. Gonna eat a sandwich right now. Tomorrow is an off day.

Day 3- 7/11/10


Sunday. Watched the world cup final and bbq’d. Had 2-3 meals today, played lots of soccer, and swam. Didnt get alot of calories in today, but it happens. Tomorrow is shoulders tris and traps.

Day 4- 7/12/10


Didnt go to the gym today, spent all day doing physics work/class. Had all my meals today. Tomorrow is shoulders tris and traps. Checking my weight tomorrow.

Day 5- 7/13/10

Shoulders and Tris

Standing Military Press
75 x 10
85 x 10
95 x 8-9

Seated Machine Shoulder Press
25(each side) x 12
35(each side) x 12
45(each side) x 12

Side Lateral DB Raise
10 x 15
15 x 15
20 x 12

Close Grip Bench Press
95 x 10
105 x 10
115 x 10

Skull Crushers
40 x 10
50 x 10
60 x 10

Rope Pulldown
35 x 15
40 x 13
45 x 9

Was in a rush today, had a full subway sandwich after my workout. Back tomorrow

Day 6 - 7/14/10

Back and Rear Delts

Bent Over Barbell Rows
110 x 8
120 x 8
130 x 8

Seated Cable Rows (Narrow Handle)
80 x 12
100 x 12
120 x 12

Lat Pulldown
4 plates x 10
5 plates x 10
6 plates x 8

Rear Delt Flye Machine
40 x 15
50 x 15
60 x 13

Good Workout

Day 7- 7/15/10


I need to get in my workouts for my calves, abs, and traps. Idk, maybe ill have one day for those bodyparts. Otherwise, I have to figure out how to effectively get them into my current workout schedule. By the end of my workouts, I always feel kinda tired/lazy to workout these “insignificant” body parts.

Day 8 - 7/16/10

Chest and Biceps

Barbell Bench Press
135 x 10
145 x 10

Barbell Bicep Curl
55 x 10
60 x 10
65 x 9

Incline DB Press
45 x 10
50 x 7
55 x 6

Hammer Curl
20 x 10
25 x 10
30 x 9

Hammer Strength Bench Machine
40 x 12
45 x 12
50 x 9

Machine Curl
45 x 10
50 x 9
55 x 8

I dont know what was wrong today. I think my triceps were still sore from shoulders and tri’s day. Didnt attempt 155 because i could barely do 145 x 10. Next week ill stay with the same weights. I may be trying to increase the weights too much. We’ll see what happens. Legs tomorrow.

[quote]AbhiA90 wrote:
I need to get in my workouts for my calves, abs, and traps. Idk, maybe ill have one day for those bodyparts. Otherwise, I have to figure out how to effectively get them into my current workout schedule. By the end of my workouts, I always feel kinda tired/lazy to workout these “insignificant” body parts. [/quote]

This might help: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION

[quote]rephore wrote:

[quote]AbhiA90 wrote:
I need to get in my workouts for my calves, abs, and traps. Idk, maybe ill have one day for those bodyparts. Otherwise, I have to figure out how to effectively get them into my current workout schedule. By the end of my workouts, I always feel kinda tired/lazy to workout these “insignificant” body parts. [/quote]

This might help: Strength Training, Bodybuilding & Online Supplement Store - T NATION

Thanks man, that actually helps alot

Day 9 - 7/17/10

Quads and Hamstrings

Barbell Squats (Narrow Stance)
165 x 10
175 x 10
185 7

Stiff Leg Deadlift
135 x 10
155 x 10
175 x 10

Machine Hack Squat
35 x 10
45 x 10
55 x 10

Seated Leg Curl
90 x 10
100 x 10
120 x 5

Seated Leg Extension
30 x 10
35 x 10
40 x 8

I need to improve my flexibility. Thats probably why I feel my lower back working alot during the stiff leg dl’s. Gonna read a bunch of those Cresey articles, and foam roll the shit out of my back and legs.

Havent been on here for a few days. but am still gonna post all the days.

Day 10 - 7/18/10


Day 11- 7/19/10

Shoulders and Tri’s

Standing Military Press
65 x 10
75 x 10
85 x 7

Seated Shoulder Machine (Narrow Grip)
35(each side) x 12
45 x 12
55 x 11

Standing Side Lateral Raises
10 x 15
15 x 15
20 x 9

Close Grip Bench Press
100 x 10
110 x 10
120 x 10

Skull Crushers
40 x 12
50 x 12
60 x 12

Standing Rope Extensions
35 x 15
40 x 13
45 x 10

I realized my pressing ability is horrible. All my pressing movements are really weak. I really want to improve on these.

Day 12 - 7/20/10

Was supposed to be back day, but had to do work instead. Need to get better at time management.

Weighed in at 188 today, unless my scale is broken/i am going crazy. I didnt really up my calories or anything. But i dont want to gain weight too fast. I need to start introducing a bit of cardio, because i think my metabolism is slowing down, with weight lifting being the only exercise i get.

Day 13 - 7/21/10

Was supposed to be back day, but had too much work again.


Day 14 - 7/22/10