9 YO Olympic Weightlifting Champion

Not sure if this has been posted here…pretty impressive!

I love how the weight bounced like 10 feet away when he dropped it lol

that’s probably good for the joints

That’s cute. I love when little kids are actually good at something productive instead of video games.

[quote]waylanderxx wrote:
I love how the weight bounced like 10 feet away when he dropped it lol[/quote]

Those kraiburg plates bounce like a happy fat girl.

Kid missed the jerk though. How can he be the champ without the jerk?


Bounciest plates I’ve ever seen.

I wonder is he on juice?

[quote]links wrote:
Bounciest plates I’ve ever seen.

I wonder is he on juice?[/quote]

Well he’s probably on creatine, so his lifts are invalid because he’s cheating.

[quote]Standard Donkey wrote:
that’s probably good for the joints[/quote]

He just put far less stress on his joints than he would have jumping off a swing on the playground.

I think he’ll be okay.


[quote]Aigriculteur wrote:


Thanks for that link, it lead me to this one:

[quote]Mr.Purple wrote:
Aigriculteur wrote:


Thanks for that link, it lead me to this one:

Sumo Deadlift - Sculpted by Dana - Online Personal Fitness Training - YouTube [/quote]

OOOOHHHH DANAA… Sculpt me now.

theres no way this is 135

[quote]LiveFromThe781 wrote:
theres no way this is 135

6 year old competes in WNPF competition. - YouTube [/quote]

I think it could be , he could lock it out almost resting on the floor:) But I think it is impressive

[quote]pittbulll wrote:
LiveFromThe781 wrote:
theres no way this is 135

I think it could be , he could lock it out almost resting on the floor:) But I think it is impressive[/quote]

They are standard diameter bumpers. you can get them as low as 5lb plates with standard size.

It might be 95#. either way though, good for him for having fun.
