So I’m 8 weeks into Test/Deca w Kickstart Dbol, I have done several cycles in the past years but it was my first time doing Deca.
My original opinion on this cycle was smooth, moderate steady gains with little to no side effects, that for me was the biggest + about this cycle, I had no negative side effects at all emotionally or sexually, 0, strength was good, gains steady, the ONLY negative sides i had were estrogenic sides since im very prone to that, so had to spend double on AI’s, aside from that no complaints.
All in all pretty smooth I guess, now you might be wondering, that sounds good?.. Why would you fix something that aint broken, why go back to Tren risking more sides.
Good question, well, simply because I am not impressed enough and I feel like I am spending way more than neccesary and hassling too much for the amount of results I got, I’ve used up 2 Vials of Test and 2 vials of Deca, plus a load of AI to prevent gyno growth, sure it was smooth and steady, and almost no negative sides, but I could have gotten the same gains, with one vial of test and one vial of tren, in 4-5 weeks, without even needing any AI.
Gained about 16 or more lbs, of which of course a lot is water, maybe even half of it, i am 100% sure that i could get that same result or better with just 250 Test/300 Tren week, which would cost me less than half of this stack, sure more sides and wouldnt feel as great mentally, in fact i would be pretty miserable, but shorter cycle, less spending, less worrying about aromatization.
I might be just one of those unlucky people who are shitprone to gyno and acne, i literally can not run anything aromatizes without heavy AI, not even at lowest dosages, to the point that it becomes just a hassle and i spend just as much on combatting e as on the gear, i get gyno even on 250 test a week or less, i cant even run dbol at 10mg without ai, if i take the dosages that are considered standard I have to take 1mg of ai every single day, and it would still be risky for me.
So sure f I was loaded in the bank, it would be a great smooth cycle that I could run quite long without any sides, however the money spent is just not worth it for me, in that case i rather deal with mental sides, and have a cheaper and more effecient shorter cycle without spending half the time and money worrying about estrogen than my actual muscles.