65+ Kicking and Screaming Toward 74+

belt squat 3 x 8 w/640/700/700
deads 3 x 8 w/225/315/315
machine single leg curl 3 x 10 w/60 each leg
seated calf raise 3 x 10 w/160
cable crunch 3 x 12 w/80

Strong gym today. My 40 someting in shape friend did 500 lb deads today, then started pullups and he pulled out the exact pullup weight belt I use. He said he works out 5 days/week in that gym. Guy’s smart. A younger version of me?


wide grip pullups 2 x 9, neutral grip 2 x 10 w/25
wide grip pulldowns 2 x 10 w/160’
seated cable row 2 x 10 w/160
machine shrugs 2 x 5 w/180/270
inclind db press 2 x 10 w/30s
db lateral raises 2 x 15 w/20s

Not a great workout. Half asleep but I showed up.


You were there. That’s that matters.

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Crippler, you’re right about showing up for a workout.

hack squat 3 x 10 w/230/320/320
squat machine 3 x 10 w/230/320/410
leg prsss calf raises 3 x 20 w/640
cable crunch 3 x 15 w/65

Today I had preworkout coffee. Yesterday I didn’t.


I am not a coffee fan per se. But I do know, when I wake up at 4:00 AM and it is workout day, and I think, “To Hell with this…” After a cup of Doughnut Shop Blend, I am ready to go. Good job on your session.

I try to do black coffee before a workout. I also drink ZipFiz from Costco during my workouts. It seems to be a good combination.

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I use the same coffee.

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I’ll look for ZipFiz. It would have helped my coffee today.

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Worked out Saturday and forgot to post.

walked a mile before gym

neutral grip pullups 2 x 10 w/25
pec dec 3 x 12 w/110
db pullover 3 x 15 w/65
wide grip lat pulldown 3 x 10 w/130
close grip seated cable rows 3 x 10 w/130
Incline DB press 3 x 10 w/40s


I have been drinking it for years.

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machine low rows 3 x 10 w/90/180/230
belt squat 3 x 8 w/225/225/315
leg curls (each leg) 3 x 10 w/50/60
seated calf raise 3 x 10 w/140
cable crunches 3 x 15 w/70



neutral grip pullups 3 x 10 w/35/35/25
db rows 3 x 10 w/85/90/95
db bench press 3 x 10 w/45s/55s
cable fly 3 x 12 w/32s
db lateral raise 3 x 10 w/27s/30s/30s
reverse pec dec 3 x 12 w/70

Pumped. Adding 10 lbs to pullups today suprised me.



hack squat 3 x 10 w/380
squat machine 3 x 10 w/410
leg press 3 x 10 w/650
leg press calf raise 3 x 20 w/680

Good workout. Felt sore until last evening from Thursday’s reverse pec deck work with 70 lbs.


overhead db extensions 3 x 10 w/32s
preacher curl 3 x 10 w/70
skull crusher 3 x 10 w/80
cable curl 3 x 10 w/32s
machine lateral raise 3 x 10 w/55


incline machine press 3 x 10 w/90
pec dec 3 x 12 w/115/130
db pullover 3 x 15 w/60
wide grip lat pulldown 3 x 10 w/160
close grip seated cable row 3 x 10 w/160
smith machine shoulder press 3 x 12 w/75

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