Curious if anyone has found a way to incorporate some strongman-work into these workouts?
Maybe one pattern for 4-6 sets, and then 20-30 min of carries/pushes/abs?
Excited to give it a go!
I don’t know about the strongman part but if you do two complexes a day you don’t want anymore to do.
Are you planning on running it as written or one complex a day?
Well, either or, obviously 2 patterns will make for a full workout to say the least xD but, I’m back to a wsm gym this year, so it would be nice to use some of the implements available, and I feel if it’s done in an intelligent manner it could even be really effective.
Well, you can do carries and pushes in the complex as a 6th “point” so that’s taken care of.
Then you could make your main moves strongman implements. So a log press instead of barbell for overhead and maybe a frame deadlift instead of barbell.
Is that along the lines of what you’re thinking?
That’s actually not a bad idea, but I was originally thinking more in lines of keeping basic strength work portion as the original star complexes, but only for one pattern, and then maybe doing a carry push/drag and maybe a core exercise as part 2 of the workout for a bit of gpp/strength work. But for how much, and would it be for example a carry emom, pull emom then a core ex emom, fpr 3-5 rounds or something like that.