[quote]rymo wrote:
[quote]dagill2 wrote:
[quote]rymo wrote:
[quote]dagill2 wrote:
[quote]MarkKO wrote:
[quote]nighthawkz wrote:
[quote]rymo wrote:
been lifting or 3 month no qutting like i used to do… gained some strngth and some size and lost fat from 225 lbsw to 182… now help me plz find a good plan 5x5 or 5 3 1 as all i did in 3 month was jst lifting and eating clean lifting random workouts chest day back day etc…did some low reps as low as 3 to admit… i think it what made me gain some strngth too[/quote]
We don’t know you. On what basis are we the right people to pick a program for you? But since you asked, fine. Calculate your training maxes and then do this:
squats - 3x5 with 60% of your training max
deadlifts - 5/3/1 sets and reps
dips - 3 sets, AMRAP
squats - 3x5 with 60% of your training max
bench press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
DB row - 3x10-15
squats - 5/3/1 sets and reps
overhead press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
pull ups or lat pulldowns - 3x10-15
If you want to do cardio on top of this, carry a heavy-ish backpack (20-40lbs) for two miles on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Whether you pick this or something else, stick to it for at least six months. Changing things every week is the main reason people make no progress.[/quote]
You could do a lot worse than this. [/quote]
I second this. I’d probably make some minor modifications but not enough to be worth confusing you. Do this, make sure you fully understand what your training max is and isn’t. It is 90% of your current gym max. A max you could do most training days, with reasonable control, reasonable depth (on the squat/bench) and no help from a spotter etc. It is not a tool to measure your lifting dick with. Make it too high and you will limit your progress. I don’t know what happens if you set it too low, I’ve never seen anyone do it.
And post details of your diet, because it’s probably not as good as you think it is.[/quote]
i gotta tell u… i cant jst go to lift and do only 3 exsersiez,squats - 5/3/1 sets and reps
overhead press - 5/3/1 sets and reps
pull ups or lat pulldowns… bro i gotta do more voulme…[/quote]
That way I do more work…
More is not better. More is more, better is better.
Without getting too personal, there have been plenty of guys who got much bigger and stronger than you using the approach outlined above, or similar. Including the posters giving you advice.