5x5 alternative for 2A neurotype

Hi CT,

I recently bought your neurotype test which confirmed my conjecture that I am 2A.
At the first thought, 5x5 looks like a good scheme for the main compound lift of session since it 1) works both strength and size, 2) uses 75-85% of 1RM, which seems a good fit for 2A.

However, everytime I use it I feel like that it doesn’t work well for me since it is 1) too repetitive and 2) too slow-paced (I need long rests, especially at higher weights).

So I would like to ask if you can please recommend different scheme for big compound lifts that has the above mentioned attributes? Or would you rather recommend for 2A to keep big lifts purely neurological (e.g., work up to 3 reps of 90 %) and work on size using some hypertrophy scheme?