Steve - Although you could add a specific calf exercise (like seated raises), the power clean/snatch provides a good stimulus to the calves since you have to either slightly jump off the ground or at least go up on your toes to complete a good lift.
I’m sure Joel or Patricia will answer this, but the bulking program that he mentioned is one they discussed over email. Several of us talk regularly via email and here in the forum, so sometimes we reference stuff that has not been posted. If you bug Joel enough, maybe he’ll right another article on that very topic
Joel: looks like there is a need for you to write an article about that bulking program! hint…hint…T-Mag.
Yes, the bulking program is analogous to the information I posted on the “number of sets” thread. I’d be happy to discuss some of the basics on another thread or you can just check out the “number or sets” thread that Justin Rich posted earlier. I may include a complete program in a future article should individuals show interest. Train hard,
As I have said before, I like the idea of the bulking program Joel prescribed in my forum on “How many sets per bodypart.” It allows you to keep things simple. That was my most common problem. I read a lot and actually made too many changes in my training. I wasn’t allowing myself to reap full benefits from my programs. The T-Mag staff should give serious consideration to future columns from Joel.