Haha, you should watch some of my other videos, I’ll be lifting to some heavy metal / cussing music, then it flips over to Little Mermaid for a PR and crap like that, aka, my daughter walked in, it’s hilarious.
My favorite is when I did a hard rep, then did a 2nd, she started screaming “you did 2 daddy!!”, she’s 3, I felt awesome
I get all my volume in the warm up sets also, I sometimes do a backdown set, but not anymore. My typical squat session is as follows:
Bar until I can feel I am getting depth
135 until I can feel I’m going ATG
185 until I can feel ATG
Generally wrap up at 405, but probably going to skip the 405 wrap to shorten up the length of the workout. Also, the 405 and up sets fluctuate every week, generally adding 10 pounds to each lift, each week. So, next week it would be 415x1, 465x1, 505x1.
Also, I’m changing my squat routine a tad so instead of doing 495x1, i’ll do 3 to 5 sets of 495x1, depends on how I feel, really concentrating on hitting depth.
Lastly, the warm up sets may be less reps, just depends on when I feel loose and am certain I’m hitting depth. My hips take a while to get stretched out. The first set with just the bar is about a 1/4 set, and it is the lowest I can go lol. Adding weight each time stretches it out that much more. I do need to do more work with straps on though as it find that they sort of make it hard to hit depth, but I don’t know if it is due to more weight, or if I just wrap them that tight. I have no hair in the wrap area anymore and a lot of bruising hehe.
I find that making the last weight jumps mimic what I would do in a meet working very well for me, makes me very comfortable with the heavy weight. Last set I try to make it 90-95% of my max, or what I think my max is.