This plan is inspired on 23 days bulgarian training of coach mike burgener. I only changed snatch clean and jerk (and their powerposition version) in powerlifting exercises, just thinking of what different aspects may present a powerlift. For exemple i letteraly switch the olimpic back squat (done with a low frequency in original plan) into deadlif, powerlift who need lower volume and overstress very much the entire system.
Too much to say, take a look at the program!
very important:
% of every deadlifts are based on max deadlift on boxes (lower)
% board press based on bench shirt max
% lock outs are based on best bench press paused (ipf rules)
everything else is based on your best indicated lift in a perfect form (ipf rules) paused bench press, full deep squat, no aid ecc.
bench press 50x5, 60x4, 70x3, 80x2, 88x1x4s, 77x2x3s, 73x3x2s (28)*;
squat 88x1x4s, 73x3x2s (22);
close grip 90x1x2s, 85x2x2s (20);
chest muscle 5x10
biceps 5x10
hyperextension 3x12 tot. 70
- these are the starting set, no more they will be writed, just the totale numbers of lift
day 3
front squat max of the day (12)
bench press max of the day (12)
deadlift max of the day (12) very easy
standing press 4x6 tot 36
day 4
bench press 85x1, 77x2x3s (19)
squat 85x1, 70x2x3s (19)
bench press 90x1, 85x2 (19)
triceps 5x8
hyperextension 3x12 tot 55
day 5
deadlift 85x2, 95x1, 85x2x2s (17)
close grip 85x2, 95x1x4s, 77x2 (18)
parallel bar dips 5x8
chin up (back work) 5x8
box squat 85x2, 95x1x4s, 70x2 (18) tot 53
total of the week 214
day 6
squat 80%x2x5s, 70x3 (25)
front squat 82%x1x5s, 72x2 (19)
bench press 90%x1x3s, 80x2 (20)
incline close grip 4x6
hyperextension 3x12 tot 64
day 8
bench press chains 80x1x5s, 77x2, 70x2x2s (23)
squat chains 82x1x5s, 75x2 (19)
deadlift 85x2x2s, 75x2 (18)
triceps 5x8
biceps 5x8 tot 60
day 9
squat 80x2, 90x2, 100x1, 90x1, 85x2 (20)
bench press 80x2, 90x2, 100x1, 90x1 (18)
deadlift 80x2, 90x2, 100x1, 90x1 (18)remember the 100% is always taken from deadlift on boxes
push ups and chin ups with weight 5x8 tot 56
day 10
board press 85x1x2s (14)
incline bench press 6x4
paralle bar dips 5x6
front squat 90x1, 85x1 (14)
deadlift off boxes 95x1, 85x1 (7) tot 35
total of the week 215
day 11
close grip bench press 95x1x3s, 85x2 (19)
squat 95x1x3s, 85x1, 80x2 (20)
standing press 100x1, 90x2x2s (8)
biceps 5x8
hyperextension 3x12 tot 47
day 13
bench press 92x1x2s (14)
chest muscles 5x8
squat 90x1, 85x1 (14)
deadlift 85x2x2s, 75x2x2s (20)
parallel bar dips tot 48
day 14
close grip bench press 80x1x2s (14)
squat 80x1x2s (14)
rowing (back muscles) 5x6
triceps 5x8
hyperextension 3x12 tot 28
day 15
Saturday heavy day!!!
board press 80x2, 90x1, 80x2 (17)
incline bench press 5x3
standing press 4x5
squat 80x2, 90x1, 80x2 (17)
deadlift off boxes 100x1x5s, 85x2 (15)
leg press 5x6 tot 49
totale settimana 172
day 16
bench press 90x1x2s, 80x2x2s (20)
squat 90x1, 80x1 (16)
parallel bar dips 5x6
chins (back muscles) 5x8
good morning 5x5
tot 36
day 18
bench press chains 80x1, 75x2 (15)
squat chains 80x1, 75x2 (15)
close grip bench press 92x1, 87x1 (16)
biceps 5x8 tot 46
day 19
bench press 90x1x2s, 80x2 (17)
deadlift 90x1x4s, 80x2 (20)
lock out 97x1, 87x1 (16)
push up with weight 5x8
hyperextension 3x12 tot 53
day 20
incline bench press 80x1, 75x2x2 (14) this time take % from max bench press
front squat 85x1, 75x1 (15)
standing press 95x1x2s, 85x2 (10)
standing dumbell press 2x12 tot 39
totale of the week 174
totale of the mouth 775
day 21
bench press 100x1x4s, 80x2 (21)
squat 100x1, 80x2 (16)
chins (back muscles) 3x6
deadlift off boxes 100x1x4s, 80x2 (21)
parallel bar dips (no weight) 5x8 tot 58
day 22
board press 90x1, 80x2x2s (19)
box squat 87x1x2s, 75x1 (16)
bench press 92x1x2s, 89x2 (17)
bench press 60x8 (8)
triceps 5x8 tot 52
day 23
deadlift find your true max of the day (remember you snc is a bit overworked after these 5 weeks)
bench press 95x1, 85x2 (16)
standing barbell press 6x6
biceps 6x6 tot 31
totale settimana 141
take a week off and then start with lower intensity program, comcentrate on power and technique.
You can also find you true max after 10 day, They should be very increase.
Dont mindi, even a 80 years old powerlifter could recover from that:-)
Thanks mr. Burgener for inspiration