I’m a big fan of compound barbell movements. I love that 5/3/1 has programs involving bench/squat/deadlift/press, but I wanted to see if there are any good variations out there with rows as well. I’ve been running 5/3/1 BBB for several months now and am looking to change it up with a 5 day type split.
Ideally what I’m looking for is something like this:
Basically hitting the Big 4 lifts + Rows hard each week for a total of 5 lifting days then two rest/cardio days mixed in. The lifts would all follow the normal 4 week 5/3/1 meso cycles.
Here’s a program I threw together as an example of what I’m looking for. Progression follows standard 5/3/1 for the main lifts then on all the accessories progression would be based on linear progression of the smallest increments (Once you hit all the reps for all the sets, increase by the smallest amount next time). It’s basically a higher volume/frequency version of the 5/3/1 Bodybuilder Template laid out in Mens Fitness http://www.mensfitness.com/training/build-muscle/531-variations?page=2
5/3/1 Deadlift
4x10 Stiff Leg Deadlift
3x10 Leg Curls
4x15 Calves
3x10 Shrugs
3x10 Hammer Curls
Where would barbell rows fit in as assistance on the 5/3/1 BBB program? I could swap them for dumbbell rows but it’s still the same overall volume. Chest gets < 70 reps a week. Shoulders get < 70 reps per week. Legs and Back get < 120 reps per week and that’s only because of the carry over between squats and deadlifts. I"m really looking for something with a bit more volume overall and I’ve enjoyed 5/3/1 so far. If there aren’t any alternatives I like then I’ll look elsewhere
Rows are not really a good fit for 5/3/1 reps/sets as they tend to degrade into “hump the bar rows” with fatigue (Wendlers words). Ultimately, however, you need to customize the program to your own personal needs and goals, as long as it’s logical.
Whats the main objective behind this? Like what are your goals for this program? If you’re hitting deads, pullups and db rows hard I have no doubt in my mind your bb rows will go up. I used to bb row every week and I got okay results with them, but once I stopped doing them.and focused on those three things my bb row working sets went up almost 40 pounds. Doing more isn’t always doing better