5/3/1 - Over 60

I used to use the 5/3/1 plan a while back. Liked it, got good strength results.

Now, I am over 60. You think it is a program I can do during winter to keep muscle mass up? Also, if I need to substitute for the big 4 any suggestions?

I don’t see a reason why 5/3/1 wouldn’t work for people at any age. It’s very scalable.

Subsitutions would depend on what is driving the need for it in the first place.


I see no problem with running 531
I wouldn’t substitute anything if I didn’t have to.


What they said…

I’m pushing 50, and I use the trap bar deadlift and front squat, and that’s because of my long legs, short torso and overall goals. I’ve even gotten my TB deadlift to go up without training it - even with front squats my back is at 45 degrees, so it’s getting enough stimulus to get stronger. I’ve also substituted power cleans instead of TBDL when I want to push the squat. You may just want to use the 5/3/1 principles on the lifts that feel best to you, and have fun with it.

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I’m 63 and have used 531 for years and it still works fine. As you get older you may have to pay attention to total volume and be careful about recovery.

I find that a lower TM, 80%, works best for me, especially in combination with BBB for supplemental lifts.

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I found the Best Damn Workout Philosophy works well for me. Just been doing for so long, there are only so many ways to change up. I used 531 for a while years ago. Thanks for help, gonna re-visit after holidays.

Those of you over 60 and following Jims Philosphy are you more likely to follow his 2x2x2 program or the Triumvirate?

I like 2x2x2 during spring and summer when I am more active and the Triumvirate focusing on 1 main lift followed by a 2.5 mile walk then mobility.


I run Beefcake 3 days a week, but I can no longer press anything overhead, so I just don’t do that day.

I’m fine with weighted dips and my 61 year shoulders get more than enough work from everything else.

531 is just a method of progressive overload and can be applied to anything you want……

I found the exercises that work for me and said goodbye to the ones that don’t without a second thought.

Make sure you do the conditioning!

Although “only” 50, I have also found the Jim’s Walrus-style training is an excellent way to keep training hard in a way that is more tolerable than high volume barbell work. I also like that it combines conditioning and strength all in one.