I’ve been at this for many years and I’m at the point in my training life that I like to experiment a little to see what works and what I like. At 53 years young I’m not going to set the world on fire with my lifting, I just do it for fun and because it’s been a habit for so many years. Due to my advanced age and limited recovery capabilities, I keep looking for ways to work out often, keep the workouts short, and maximize recovery. I’ve been kicking this idea around for a while now and I think I’m ready to pull the trigger on it after I finish my deload today. I was just wondering if Jim has tried something similar since he’s probably done about every variation of 5/3/1 imaginable. If so, what was your experiences with it? If not, does it even sound reasonable?
Week 1:
Mon. Bench - 5x5@75%
Tue. Squat - 3/5/1 PR sets
Thu. Press - 5x5@75%
Fri. Deads - 3/5/1 PR sets
Week 2:
Mon. Bench - 3/5/1 PR sets
Tue. Squat - 5x5@75%
Thu. Press - 3/5/1 PR sets
Fri. Deads - 5x3@75%