I just started with 5/3/1 and I am doing the full body training. The percentages on the non 5/3/1 days for squats will be higher (phases II & III) than the percentages during the deload week.
During the deload week, should we do the squats as same percentages (40%, 50%, 60%) every workout?
Would it be ok to start in phase II or phase III (I had been using stronglifts 5x5 so I was used to the added squats workouts)?
The newest book has a ton of information on this stuff - generally we don’t “deload” like we used to; we use one of the deload variations from Beyond and have tweaked it (7th Week Protocol). Personally, and this is only with people I train personally, we use a much different style of full body training than what was termed “full body” prior. Hope that makes sense? Fuck if I know.
This does not mean you can’t do this type of training; only we are constantly evolving and moving forward in our world. And we have found a better way to program/train “full body training”.
Our results speak for themselves; we have kids doing some insane shit physically that I can’t understand. A big, BIG part is the kids themselves as they “buy in” and do the work. I think coaches take a lot of credit for the success of others, and sometimes I do to, when 99% of the work is done by someone else.
Anyway, the new fullbody program involves both barbells, dumbbells and a place to do chins/dips (and a chin/dip belt). That’s all you need. We only do 7 movements a week and train 3 days/week. It’s my opinion, based on the results of 100’s of people, that zero “full body” programs can touch this. They are antiquated at best and stupid at worst.