i’ll be running the 5/3/1 program for my rugby training and ill set it up as follows:
bench 5/3/1
dips 5 sets
tri pushdown 5x10
lateral raise 3x10
rear raise 3x10
ab work
squat 5/3/1
RDLs 5x5-8
lunges 3x10
ab work
5/3/1 OH press
5/3/1 power cleans, minumum reps only
dips 5 sets
tri pushdown 5x10
lateral raise 3x10
rear raise 3x10
ab work
5/3/1 deadlift
5/3/1 front squat, minumum reps only
horizontal row 3x10
lat pulldown 3x10
db curls 5x10
ab work
I’ll also be doing sprints after tuesday and thursday’s workouts, my training maxes are:
bench: 200
squat: 260
Press: 125
Deadlift: 350
Clean: 180
Front squat: 160
My bodyweight is currently 208, and im looking to lean out a bit to be in better shape.
Messed up and did the power cleans today instead of thursday, ah well, and had to get out of the gym a couple mins early for a run, so i had to cut the lunges short, all in all, a good workout
workout went good, got 10 reps again for the final set, i probly couldve gotten 1 or 2 more, as has been the case all week, but i figured id rather be able to still have a little gas in the tank for the rest of the workout, overall, had a good week of workouts
horizontal row:
5 sets x10 with both arms, and 2 setsx10 single arm
some running
deadlifts were heavy but i still was able to get 10 reps, the front squats fell really light, but im still learning the form. Im having a bit of a problem feeling the rowing and pulldowns in my lats
Seems like you’re doing a lot of everything for in-season training. I would be tempted to do what Wendler does and Squat and bench one week, deadlift and OHP the next.
im still in the offseason, first match isnt until feb 12, and ive found that unless i get a lot of volume, especially in the lower body, i lose strength/mass very quickly, and thats also the reason i added in front squats on deadlift day
final sets went a lot better then i expected, and i will definetly be adding the full 5 and 10 pounds to these lifts on the next cycle, bodyweight was 205 today a few hours after breakfast
Put these two workouts together, again to save some cash, ill be happy when I can go back to using the free gym on campus, I decided to push these two lifts to see what I had since I hadnt gone heavy in quite some time, and this would probly be the last oppurtunity for a while, as rugby practice will be starting after this deload, it went pretty well, with a 20lbs PR on the press and a 10lbs PR on the deadlift
the setup on the incline bench is a little tricky, i have to reach way behind my head to get the weight, so i wasnt able to go very heavy, but ill increase the weight slowly, Im trying a new approach with my assistance due to some lacking bodyparts, and ill be upping the volume, i wasnt able to get in everything i wanted to, but ill let my body adjust over these next couple weeks, as i havent done this much volume since i started training 3 years ago
Legs were fatigued from last night’s rugby practice, and abs were very sore, so i wasnt able to get as much as i should have on squats. I cut out the lunges as well because of this. Ill up the RDL weight next time around.