5/3/1 for Mass and Strength

Been at it for 2 weeks and wanna start a log. First and foremost Im a beginner but like 5/3/1 over the other programs as it gives alot of form practice which I love. I do BBB and am making huge gains already to my physique and physical strength. I just feel awesome going through my day whereas before I started I felt like crap alot.

I was the guy who always did cardio before and never lifted. I am 5’11 and about 163 lbs. I am skinny fat tho but I am not letting that stop me from bulking and getting strong. I dont want to be “functional”, have “abs” or anything else. I have two goals in life, get big and strong and become a college professor one day. Both are equally important and easily doable along side each other. An hour in the gym 5 days a week, sometimes 6, is not hard. I follow the basic 5/3/1 templates but have found that adding an extra squat day has HELPED not hurt my progress. Perhaps this will change.

My diet is the following:
Morning - 6 eggs and 2 apples
PWO - 60g whey and 50g oatmeal(sometimes I have a cookie/chocolate here too only PWO)
Another meal of 2 ounces of nut and 20 ounces chicken breast and veggies
Another meal of a pound of chicken thighs and some veggies
Comes out to anywhere from 22-2500 cals and 280ish protein. I am serious about getting bigger and stronger and everyone on here who has done it eats 2g of protein per BW. Im almost there and once i get rid of these chicken thighs and go back to turkey/chicken only I will be at 320.
Anyway training is 5/3/1 as stated. Will post progress on lifts and workouts most days. Regards to all

Just some advice, throw that oatmeal in at breakfast and eat whey and some other simple carb pwo (cookie,chocolate, whatever).



Just wrapping up my first 5/3/1 +BBB cycle as well…

Will be following! Are you posting any pics and 1RM? :slight_smile:

Here are the 1 rep maxes Im working with. Before you ask I have MAJOR imbalances. Was a brocep p90x guy in the past.
My cycle began on the 16th wit my first workout being deads. I go deads, press, squat, bench and occasionally as I feel I need the shoulder work and if Im not wiped Ill hit press twice a week. I love the lift and I need the form practice.

Been busy wit papers so I cant post everyday (30 35 pagers due on the 17th) but its Thanksgiving so I have time. I dont believe in days off from the gym no matter what tho. Hit that workout. Anyway here we go and nah on the pics cause frankly I am sorta “dirty bulking” so strength is my guide.

Working weights for the cycle:
Press - 1x87.5
Bench - 1x192
Squat - 1x145
Dead - 1x202

My squat would be higher but I have a mental thing. Had a really bad injury where I fell backwards wit a barbell on my back and crunched my lower back. Slowly but surely I am able to do it in good form but its hard to push through.

Heres my first Press workout for 11/17. Will post replies with each one since then and the dates.

Press - All warmups hit great and work set was 11x70. BBB and chins of 10,9,7(not enough rest), 8 10 all at BW. I use the “agile 8” and scooby’s ab circuit for warmups. In addition I am currently on 26 rep day of the PLP program. You add a rep to BW pullups, pushups and walking lunges everyday. Awesome for flexibility and all that.


Deadlift - 11x165, BBB and hanging legs raises got 5x12-13 wit a 5 lb weight

I was thrashed until yesterday, 11/21/2012 due to this workout. The BBB sets are OUTRAGEOUS and fun.

also I am gonna limit the carbs to PWO(simply I mean). Finding I need more complex for recovery and feeling good throughout the day. Anyway onto the next workout which was Bench.

Happened on 11/20/2012 as 11/19/2012 was an off day…friggin hate those. I remember seeing a quote that off days are the hardest days in the gym and I believe it. Anyway here it is

Bench - Work set of 13x145. Really think I can do more as you will see in thanksgiving days Bench workout. Hit the BBB and did one arm rows with 50 lb DB’s. Farmers walks are done and I do 1 set where I grab em and go til I stop. Im up to 75lb dbs for about 80 steps. My goal is my bodyweight. Anyway next day. BTW I am not someone who misses days eating right. I always get AT least the 6 eggs, chicken, nuts and whey. Normally other stuff as well. Im not a “food nazi” by any stretch.

Squat workout was yesterday. Hit 140x7 and then almost hit the floor. Squats take so much out of me for some reason. I know Im not exactly using the weights from the 5/3/1 calculator but I dont believe in dogmatically following a plan. If it feels too light I wait 5 mins and hit another set wit more weight.

Hit the BBB sets and did 5 sets of supersetted leg curls and extensions. My legs are CRUSHED today btw. Might have to rethink the whole superset of extensions here. Maybe just do less volume of each. Anyway feeling good and nutrition has been great all week.

Today’s workout was Bench and I had to significantly up the weight. My work set was 160x10. I know it seems odd with my other weights but I have had my form checked by people I trust and I can say it is never questioned. BBB sets of 125x5x10 with 55lb DB rows. These killed my back so I think this is my REAL starting point for the DB rows.
Food is not a problem today. I have enough for all week and then some after my mom sends me home tonight. Enjoy the day all and tomorrow, if I think I can, Ill hit deads before work. Hope everyone has a great day and you better of lifted early!!

Knee 11.13,13.14.11
Today wo in a rush but wanted to post

Todays workout felt great. Here it is
OHP 80x8
BBB sets wit 60x10 5 sets
Wide grip pullups - assist 40 for 7,8,8,9,7
Dips with BW for 7,8,7,7,6
Then got out
Felt great Squat tomorrow should be fun hammies thrashed from deads but wont stop me

[quote]gradualprogress wrote:
Today’s workout was Bench and I had to significantly up the weight. My work set was 160x10. I know it seems odd with my other weights but I have had my form checked by people I trust and I can say it is never questioned. BBB sets of 125x5x10 with 55lb DB rows. These killed my back so I think this is my REAL starting point for the DB rows.
Food is not a problem today. I have enough for all week and then some after my mom sends me home tonight. Enjoy the day all and tomorrow, if I think I can, Ill hit deads before work. Hope everyone has a great day and you better of lifted early!![/quote]

Upping the weight because you hit more than the desired rep completely destroy the point of the program. People who do this constantly complain the program doesn’t work when in reality they’re doing the program wrong.

Solid lifting though.

Gorangers you are probably right. If there is one thing I should be learning about myself is I shoot for the stars too fast. At the same time however I sometimes feel like, when I have room to grow with strength, that maybe I just need to get in there and lift heavier. These two conflicting ideas always seem to be goin on in my head.

Anyway here is squat today:
Squat - 145x6 for work set
95x10 - 5 sets
Leg extensions supersetted with leg curls 5 times
Calves 175x20 2 sets
could list the numbers on the supersetted but as wendler has stated many times it doesn’t ****in matter and I agree. Big lifts matter not the fluff.