my goal is selection for a specialized police unit (like SWAT). The selection course starts in 11 months.
For the next 8 weeks I got “only” access to a barbell, dumbbells, ~100kg (220lbs) of weights, a bench, rings for pull-ups and 20kg (44 lbs) kettlebell. So I can’t do heavy deadlifts or squats.
So I’m looking for a routine I can do with this equipment. The goal (of the strength routine) is gaining strength gut I’d like to add some strength endurance / crossfit-like training.
I thought about doing 5/3/1 for the main lifts (mo, tu, th, fr) and add a “WOD” instead of the bbb part.
But I’m wondering how to substitute deadlifts and squats in the next weeks.
----- for those who want to read more ----
My workouts for the last two years looked like:
strength alternating mo, we, fr:
A) squat, bench, pull-ups
B) deadlift, press, pull-ups
with 3x5 or 3x3.
running mo, we, fr, (sa)
intervals 1-2 times/week, 1x long easy run, 1x 2-5km (~1,2 - 3,1 miles)
swimming tu, th, su
1 hour with training group, mostly intervals
maxes are
bench: 105 kg (231 lbs)
press: 65 kg (143 lbs)
deadlift: 170 kg (375 lbs)
front-squat: 107,5 kg (237 lbs)
@ 1,87m, 86kg.