I’ve been running the BBB template for 6 cycles. I’m loving the program, and made some amazing progression.
But now I feel like it’s time to switch things up, so I was planning to do the bodybuilding template.
The only thing is, I want to hit my muscles twice a week just like I did while doing BBB. So my ideal template would be an upper/lower kind of thing.
My question is: can I do the main lifts as usual, but change the assistance work so I can hit everything twice a week?
So the template would look like this:
Day 1:
OHP – 5/3/1
assistance: chest/back/arms
Day 2:
Deadlift – 5/3/1
assistance: quads/abs
Day 3:
Bench Press – 5/3/1
assistance: shoulders/back/arms
Day 4:
Squat – 5/3/1
assistance: hams and glutes(RMDL)/abs
I know it’s nothing like the given template, but I’d like to hear everybody’s thoughts on this.
(sorry for possibly incorrect english, I’m Dutch)