4th Cycle Advice, Please

Hi all,

I have done 3 cycles in the past, which were:

  1. Test E 500mg/week for 10 weeks
  2. Test E 750mg/week for 10 weeks
  3. Test E 600mg/week + Tren Ace 200mg/week for 10 weeks

Stats: 23yo, 185cm, 90kg, 10%bf

For my next (fourth) cycle I am tossing up between two possibilities: test + deca or test + tren. One the one hand I kinda wanted to try deca, but on the other hand a shorter cycle (8weeks) would be better for financial reasons, and my understanding is that pretty much you cant run deca for less than 10weeks (confirm/deny anyone?)

So my two possible cycles are:

  1. Test E 300mg/week + Deca 450mg/week for 10 weeks (+AI/Prami/PCT)


  1. Test E 200mg/week + Tren Ace 400mg/week for 8 weeks (+AI/PCT)

I would appreciate if some more knowledgeable peeps would chime in regarding the dosages of each steroid in my proposed cycle, as this is what im most interested in…

let the flaming begin.

You are 90kg and have 3 cycles under your belt?

You’re doing it wrong.

Here’s your fourth cycle:

Stay on for 2 years.


combine with 5x5 bench and squats, and occasional heavy deadlifts.

2 years from now, ask this question again

Thanks for your 2c OTS1 but I’m quite happy with my 90kg at 10%bf. In fact I’m actually pretty sure “I’m doing it right”

Ok, perhaps I was overly flippant.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the size you are, if that is what you are happy with.

You don’t need any AAS to maintain this though, and you are pretty small for someone with this kind of cycle experience.

We all have different goals. Are you a strength or power athlete? If so, that changes everything.

[quote]GGlife wrote:
Hi all,

I have done 3 cycles in the past, which were:

  1. Test E 500mg/week for 10 weeks
  2. Test E 750mg/week for 10 weeks
  3. Test E 600mg/week + Tren Ace 200mg/week for 10 weeks

Stats: 23yo, 185cm, 90kg, 10%bf[/quote]

Hmm…3 cycles at 23… sounds like you started young.

Did you pct + wait long enough…I may be wrong but sounds a bit iffy to me.

30 weeks cycling…185…almost 6"2…90kg? Is that right??

Thats a lot of cycling for that weight. Whats the point? Did you gain much weight even or do you only train sometimes?

Then your thinking to gain with 300 test 450 deca and you want to do a cheap cycle? Tren cheap?

In oz it is EXPENSIVE

Why would you even bother with deca if you got nothing out of 750mg test? Deca will certainly give you less (except possibly MUCH worse sides).

And you say your doing things right??

Come on man im not having a dig at you but you have to understand…i can see things amiss straight away.

At least be honest and say your gains sucked on cycle, or you couldnt keep em, or you got injured and lost them or whatever it is so we can help you in the ways that you need.

And if you dont want to be big…why are you cycling for ? Thats just stupid.

Screw up your HPTA for no reason…? Crazy stuff.

If you do want to get big, test e @ 750 with AI will be most cost effective and effective start on its own.

Lift F*$#*#@ heavy to failure every time low reps, compound movements, eat big, sleep big, stay healthy. If you cant grow much like that…somethings definetly wrong.

Up to you what you want and do in the end

Between my 2nd and 3rd cycle I got very sick for 4 weeks and wasnt able to work out at all or eat much…it kinda set me back a bit.

Smith machine: By my reckoning (which is theoretical and not based on any experience) tren/deca + low test would be more cost effective than straight test; incidentally my test and deca cost almost the same per mg, but tren costs me twice as much per mg.

To anyone thats interested I settled on

200mg/week Test for 12 weeks +
500mg/week deca for 10 weeks +

We arent interested. Thanks.

I’d give you advice but you wont listen anyway & it’d take me 3 days to type it all out.


Luckily for me BMC this board is populated by about 500 more people than a handful of high-horse smart-asses like yourself, some of whom might actually be interested. Long shot, I know, but hey, I can dream right?

K, Im speaking for most of the intelligent people of the board. we arent interested. You can have everyone else, not interested in their advice either.


[quote]GGlife wrote:
Luckily for me BMC this board is populated by about 500 more people than a handful of high-horse smart-asses like yourself, some of whom might actually be interested. Long shot, I know, but hey, I can dream right?[/quote]

  • 1 I agree … This guy BigMaC85 is king of the assholes around here. Ignore him and continue to post and seek advice.

Good luck.

Wow… this is sad.

The first time I have perused the steroid forum in nearly a year, I decided to click on this thread. I figured that since it was the OP’s 4th cycle, he must have been at it a while and might be trying something new or innovative… and probably had a lot of knowledge and good experience in the world of AAS.

Boy, I sure was wrong.

Guess I’ll be disappearing again now. After reading this, it’s not even worth giving another thread a peak. I think I’ll just go hang out with pushharder over in the SAMA forums.