Hi all,
I have done 3 cycles in the past, which were:
- Test E 500mg/week for 10 weeks
- Test E 750mg/week for 10 weeks
- Test E 600mg/week + Tren Ace 200mg/week for 10 weeks
Stats: 23yo, 185cm, 90kg, 10%bf
For my next (fourth) cycle I am tossing up between two possibilities: test + deca or test + tren. One the one hand I kinda wanted to try deca, but on the other hand a shorter cycle (8weeks) would be better for financial reasons, and my understanding is that pretty much you cant run deca for less than 10weeks (confirm/deny anyone?)
So my two possible cycles are:
- Test E 300mg/week + Deca 450mg/week for 10 weeks (+AI/Prami/PCT)
- Test E 200mg/week + Tren Ace 400mg/week for 8 weeks (+AI/PCT)
I would appreciate if some more knowledgeable peeps would chime in regarding the dosages of each steroid in my proposed cycle, as this is what im most interested in…