451 Deadlift at 156 Bodyweight

[quote]lift206 wrote:
Nice lift Andrew. You’re definitely close to a 3x bw pull. I know you’re not trying to gain weight but I’m curious how your first bulk went. How much weight were you putting on each week? The first time I tried to put on weight and eat mostly clean food, I gained about a pound a week and on the 12th week I was eating 5000-5500 cals/day. I couldn’t go on because I nearly puked every time I stuffed down food lol. If you’re disciplined enough to bulk and eat clean food, it shouldn’t take much effort to cut weight after your bulk. Anyways nice lift and no more posing in your videos lol.[/quote]

I don’t want to gain an ounce of fat… i frigging hate cardio!! lol. And I am actually gaining about 0.5 lbs per week of pure muscle right now. I think it is working great so far. Great advice though bro!

[quote]hungry4more wrote:

[quote]AndrewMcInroy wrote:

Dude 685 at 200 is AMAZING. I doubt I’ll ever be 200 lbs. My goal is to be ripped and strong and I’ve tried getting big and I just end up getting fat lol. Muscle gaining genetics don’t seem to be my thing.

Thanks guys!

Most likely you just got scared because your abs got blurry. I’m not one to diagnose people with stuff online, but I think it’s safe to say you’re afraid of being the tiniest bit chubs due to vanity. And if your goals are achievable while keeping that mindset and you’re happy with the results, more power to you. Just don’t set unrealistic goals and then complain if you were afraid of doing anything the temporarily made you less “ripped”, and never achieve them. [/quote]

No man if you look at my other vids like the 485 lb deadlift I am pretty fat in that and I didn’t care at the time. I just have a new goal which is to be aesthetic and strong. Not vain but I am almost as strong as I was at 185 lbs.

Lol you weren’t “fat” at 185 lbs. Your abs just didn’t show as much. It’s definitely clear you’re afraid of being anything but super lean; like I said before, if you can achieve your goals while staying super lean all the time, good for you, that’s great. You may find you can’t however, especially if you have far-reaching goals. Be aware of that.

You cant be afraid to be fat. Go study Dave Tate and embrace getting fatter and stronger.

well thats a lot more than i can pull lol. especially in proportion to my weight.your back looked just a liittle rounded, but i might be wrong, and do you always stay in the bottom position for so long? i find that it kills me to stay there for more than like 2 seconds. i always do better by staying there for as short a time as possible. oh and dude thats a nice ass fucking gym lol.

[quote]hungry4more wrote:
Lol you weren’t “fat” at 185 lbs. Your abs just didn’t show as much. It’s definitely clear you’re afraid of being anything but super lean; like I said before, if you can achieve your goals while staying super lean all the time, good for you, that’s great. You may find you can’t however, especially if you have far-reaching goals. Be aware of that. [/quote]

Yes aware. But I seem to be gaining at a good rate. Thanks man

[quote]Drake37 wrote:
You cant be afraid to be fat. Go study Dave Tate and embrace getting fatter and stronger. [/quote]

I know who this guy is! he is awesome.

[quote]GreatAjax wrote:
well thats a lot more than i can pull lol. especially in proportion to my weight.your back looked just a liittle rounded, but i might be wrong, and do you always stay in the bottom position for so long? i find that it kills me to stay there for more than like 2 seconds. i always do better by staying there for as short a time as possible. oh and dude thats a nice ass fucking gym lol.[/quote]

thanks man. and yea was waiting for good part of the song lol… dumb move I know. And yeah it’s sick.

you and I will never, ever, be friends

[quote]Ty-fi wrote:
you and I will never, ever, be friends[/quote]

that’s fine lol :stuck_out_tongue:

Great deadlift for that bodyweight first of all. One thing I noticed is that you sat down in the starting position for a while before you started your pull. It may or may not help you, but I find I have an easier time if I don’t bend my legs into the starting position until right before I am going to lift.

It’s a decent deadlift, but the half naked pictures and posing bring down the quality of your accomplishment quite substantially. This is why I stay out of the bodybuilding section of the forums. You’d probably have a 3x bodyweight pull in competition with a belt.

[quote]csulli wrote:
Great deadlift for that bodyweight first of all. One thing I noticed is that you sat down in the starting position for a while before you started your pull. It may or may not help you, but I find I have an easier time if I don’t bend my legs into the starting position until right before I am going to lift.[/quote]

Yeah man totally agree. Never doing this again.

[quote]EveryLastingScar wrote:
It’s a decent deadlift, but the half naked pictures and posing bring down the quality of your accomplishment quite substantially. This is why I stay out of the bodybuilding section of the forums. You’d probably have a 3x bodyweight pull in competition with a belt.[/quote]

Yeah I’ve learned my lesson. Not going to do it again.

Nobody can argue with the results…but doesnt just crouching there holding the bar potentially decreased performance?

Try posting a video of you doing this instead of posing, then the deadlift vid would have been better http://articles.elitefts.com/features/iron-brothers/efs-classic-im-amazed-at-what-people-dont-know/


If you had a belt and chalk you could probably rep that. Also being a little less than what you weigh I find that sitting too long at bottom strains your muscles and you lose explosiveness especially with such weight on the bar respective to you bodyweight. You also seem to have like little upperbody, what’s your bench at?

[quote]Efeguwewe wrote:
If you had a belt and chalk you could probably rep that. Also being a little less than what you weigh I find that sitting too long at bottom strains your muscles and you lose explosiveness especially with such weight on the bar respective to you bodyweight. You also seem to have like little upperbody, what’s your bench at?[/quote]

true man. I bench 100 dumbbells for 8 with poor ROM lol

Heel came up at the top, no lift

lol but seriously, nice pull

[quote]AndrewMcInroy wrote:

[quote]Efeguwewe wrote:
If you had a belt and chalk you could probably rep that. Also being a little less than what you weigh I find that sitting too long at bottom strains your muscles and you lose explosiveness especially with such weight on the bar respective to you bodyweight. You also seem to have like little upperbody, what’s your bench at?[/quote]

true man. I bench 100 dumbbells for 8 with poor ROM lol[/quote]

Def. Invest in chalk and belt. It’ll feel great when you get that 3x bw pull and even better when you start repping with it. Its a nice pull but judging from your posing you lack back and trap development. Work on getting those stronger then worry about aesthetics. Big traps on a small frame looks awesome, people will do double takes trust me

[quote]Efeguwewe wrote:

[quote]AndrewMcInroy wrote:

[quote]Efeguwewe wrote:
If you had a belt and chalk you could probably rep that. Also being a little less than what you weigh I find that sitting too long at bottom strains your muscles and you lose explosiveness especially with such weight on the bar respective to you bodyweight. You also seem to have like little upperbody, what’s your bench at?[/quote]

true man. I bench 100 dumbbells for 8 with poor ROM lol[/quote]

Def. Invest in chalk and belt. It’ll feel great when you get that 3x bw pull and even better when you start repping with it. Its a nice pull but judging from your posing you lack back and trap development. Work on getting those stronger then worry about aesthetics. Big traps on a small frame looks awesome, people will do double takes trust me[/quote]

Sounds good man I’ll be adding a belt soon. Already use chalk

Andrew, just so you know (and because Efe is too modest to mention it), Efeguwewe has deadlifted more than 3x his bodyweight for sets of five. He is WELL worth listening to - not that you’re not listening anyway, just pointing out that his advice has a fairly solid grounding!

And nice deadlifting too!