Didn’t it occur to you that I ‘stop a few inches short’ because by doing so I don’t cheat like so many people do by getting a bounce off my chest? I could do alot more if I cheated with some bounce off my chest because as you say, it’s my weak spot after all… lol
[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
lol That’s a first! There’s been some arguing that its not a ‘real’ close grip, that’s it’s not really that good because I’m a big guy, that my techique is wrong and I should do this or that… But it’s the first time ever, that someone mentions my glasses! lol [/quote]
Looked exactly like the form used by Sincityiron (for his narrow grip), who put a video on here of a 600x3 wide grip bench…I’d say you’re doing just fine. And they really did look easy, so just yell at your spotter a little bit for touching it.
that looked like me… if i was close gripping 135 lol
You’re a beast. props
[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Didn’t it occur to you that I ‘stop a few inches short’ because by doing so I don’t cheat like so many people do by getting a bounce off my chest? I could do alot more if I cheated with some bounce off my chest because as you say, it’s my weak spot after all… lol[/quote]
i dont think 405 can bounce of anyones chest
I’ve seen the vids of Sincityiron, he’s a beast! He is going a little wider than me though on the close grip. He makes it look so damn easy!
Question…What is everyone looking at (the 2 guys behind you on the other bench and your spotter) the first 20 sec of the video? Again congrats big man!
[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
Didn’t it occur to you that I ‘stop a few inches short’ because by doing so I don’t cheat like so many people do by getting a bounce off my chest? I could do alot more if I cheated with some bounce off my chest because as you say, it’s my weak spot after all… lol[/quote]
i don’t mean bounce if off. but i do know what your talking about.
They were looking at the 5 Jersey Shore douchebag wannabes doing their chest in the corner! lol
Thanks, I feel like even more of a pussy now.
Obscenely smooth with some serious weight, man.
[quote]DFRELAT wrote:
They were looking at the 5 Jersey Shore douchebag wannabes doing their chest in the corner! lol[/quote]
You should invite them to bench with you That would be a very interesting interaction.
[quote]Ghost22 wrote:
Thanks, I feel like even more of a pussy now.
Obscenely smooth with some serious weight, man. [/quote]
Don’t feel bad about it, everyone is somebody else’s pussy!