Today I completed the Coan/Phillipi Deadlift Routine. Instead of 10 weeks I did it accelerated. Every 5th day was one week in the program. 45 days is how long the program lasted. I skipped week 9 and went to week 10 after 8. I felt ready for 405.
I smashed the fuck out of 405! I started the program with a 340 deadlift max. The program is awesome. I felt like I needed to tell some people who understand what it feels like to smash a PR. I work with a bunch of sedentary(thanks Pro. X) people…
One of my training partner’s used it with some 40 lb success pulling sumo, but he did modify the assistance work slightly (pendlay rows and chinups I believe).
[quote]brownab wrote:
Does it work well for sumo?[/quote]
In my experience, yes, it works wonders for sumo. As a result I will have to disagree with Hanley, no disrespect meant. Last summer C/P took my deadlift from 340 to 419 in a meet, and that was basing percentages off my current 1rm and increasing it gradually each week. On a side note I am excited because I’m going to run this program as it was written basing percentages off of a desired 1rm of 485 instead of my current 455 (calculated).
[quote]patrickk wrote:
Today I completed the Coan/Phillipi Deadlift Routine. Instead of 10 weeks I did it accelerated. Every 5th day was one week in the program. 45 days is how long the program lasted. I skipped week 9 and went to week 10 after 8. I felt ready for 405.
I smashed the fuck out of 405! I started the program with a 340 deadlift max. The program is awesome. I felt like I needed to tell some people who understand what it feels like to smash a PR. I work with a bunch of sedentary(thanks Pro. X) people…
Congratulations man! I just smashed one last week myself.
That Coan/Phillipi Routine is a beast. I started it a couple of times and couldn’t finish it. I did add twenty pounds to my PR with the 5/3/1 Routine but it was a beast as well. My hats to anyone who can survive the Coan/Phillipi Routine.
absolutely love this program. I pull sumo and its been working great for me. Hopefully it’ll bring me to an American Record in the 132 class. about 20 pounds to go