If you want the gory details…there’s no “debate” here. There’s exactly 0% chance that Labcorp would continue to result out incorrect units on an FDA approved blood test if that was actually an issue.
In your particular case, you’ve had a variant “direct” RIA free Test measurement which typically varies by a factor of most typically 5 to 7 (the test variant is measuring a proxy for free Test and highly correlates with free Test, but the slope is not 1) vs a calibrated free Test calc or gold standard ED/LCMS free Test measurement.
The story that the units of the direct free testosterone assay (RIA) are reported incorrectly is myth.
Rough math… 13 / 2.77 = 4.8 ~ 5 ( all units in ng/dL).
If you have your SHBG, we can confirm your 2% free Test assumption.
** For the interested reader, take a look at the links above. It’s important that incorrect information doesn’t keep getting repeated so we can increase understanding and literacy in this field.**