4 week courses

So I’m back into this after shoulder joint issues and connective tissue issues…
cut a long story short, the carnivore diet (ketosis) has rejuvenated my joints and stopped crippling tendinitis…so my hobby is back full on at 51 .
I can train with heavy weights again !!!
So I think a lot of things I’ve known as common knowledge over years in body building have been proved (by myself) to be false.
Things like eating over 6 meals a day to get enough protein.
I now just eat 2-3 large meals a day and although a body can’t store protein, any excess is circulated around the blood stream.
Another myth was eating in a 20 min time frame after training.
Well that proved to be BS as well.
We are told we have to always run a test with every cycle. But personally for me I find testosterone a very harsh roid instantly causing me gyno and when stacked amplifing side affects.
So very small courses !! 3-4 weeks of fast acting juice like trenbolone acetate !!!
It minimises our natural testosterone shutdown (balls shrinking) works almost straight away , gets out of our system almost straight away.
Helps lagging muscles with site injections.

Anyway that’s what I’m going to do
Next course.

No stacking … 100mg tren everyday
Possibly have some aromasin at hand.
4 weeks of tren ace everyday

Pct just 4 weeks of clomid/nolvadex mix
