If I wanted to do 4 excersies for a back workout and I had deadlifts, pull-ups, and machine row, what part of the back would the fourth excersise emphasize? The lats?
uh… Well it would depend entirely on what exercise you choose man.
I think at least one of us is confused.
Traps / upper mid back.
Deadlifts = Everywhere.
Pull-ups = Lats. (It’s a great compound so it hits everywhere as well, but it makes my lats the sorest.)
Machine Row = Lats. (Same as above.)
4th exercise should hit the traps if you’re not satisfied with deadlifts alone.
besides shrugs which I already do
I like Power Cleans.
yea, face pulls.
I vote for DB row. I wouldn’t count face pulls as a main exercise, they’re more a supplementary that you do after or between sets.
[quote]Sxio wrote:
I vote for DB row. I wouldn’t count face pulls as a main exercise, they’re more a supplementary that you do after or between sets. [/quote]
Agreed, that or BB rows.
I think face pulls would be fine for a 4th exercise. Another MAJOR exercise might make you Over… do it.
Face Pulls help your external rotator cuffs (RCs), traps, rhomboids, rear delts. There’s plenty of muscle activated there.
I myself would make the 4th exercise a rotating one where you hit what you feel like for the day:
- Face Pulls
- Reverse Flyes (machine)
- Shrugs
- DB Rows
- HS Upright Rows
If the other 3 exrcises hit you really hard some day, you might finish off with with “L” raises (seated or lying) for your RCs.
ok thanks guys and does anyone think working your rear delt on back back would be a good idea
[quote]crod266 wrote:
ok thanks guys and does anyone think working your rear delt on back back would be a good idea[/quote]
You meant back day, right? Unless you like a lot of crossover between workouts, rear delts on back day are preferred.
Are you doing your chins reverse grip? If so you’re getting a lot of rear delt in those. Machine rows hit them little-to-middlin’ depending upon how high or low you set the seat.
Again, face pulls or rear machine flyes or high pulls hit plenty of rear delt.
thanks guys, ok so this is how it looks, tell me how it is
deadlift 4x6
chin-up supinated 4x10
row machine 3x8
rear delt row 3x12
db shrug 3x8
machine shrug 4x10
and then i prefrom a small calf routine
[quote]crod266 wrote:
… and then i prefrom a small calf routine[/quote]
Uh so you’re training them to be small? LOL
you could try one arm rows…a bit of unilateral training could provide you with necessary variation…
[quote]crod266 wrote:
thanks guys, ok so this is how it looks, tell me how it is
deadlift 4x6
chin-up supinated 4x10
row machine 3x8
rear delt row 3x12
db shrug 3x8
machine shrug 4x10
and then i prefrom a small calf routine[/quote]
What’s the difference between row machine and rear delt rows?
Why bother with DB shrugs and then machine shrugs?
I think, if you respond well to high volume then it’ll work, I personally would change the deads to 5x5, because i like 5x5. Chins to 2-3 sets, rows to 2-3sets and rear delts to 2-3 sets.
But I prefer lower volume and higher intensity. If I felt after my modified version of your session that i could do more, then I would increase the weights next session.
But that’s just me. You won’t know what’s best for you until you try a bunch of things.
Hope it goes well.
umm machine row is just a row using a machine and rear delt row is like bent over lat rows but with thumbs down. and I thought I should use 2 excerises for traps