2nd Cycle Help

Test Enth weeks 1-12 :500 a week poking monday and thursday.
I have winstrol on hand and I am thinking of throwing that in at 50mg a day in the last 4 weeks of my cycle to harden everything up? Any suggestions on this?

Also I now have 3 vials of Enth so for my second cycle if I ran my first 6 weeks at 500 a week then my last 6 weeks at 750, for a second cycle is 750 a week overkill? Or since I have it should I use it?

My PCT: waiting 2 weeks after last injection then Nolva at 40/40/ 20/20.
Arimidex on hand.

Any help on this is greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.

Sounds good. I’d use the winny in the beginning while waiting for the Test to “kick in” and feel free to run it at up to 100mg/day (assuming oral), depending on your judgement, for up to six weeks if desired. And instead of running half of it at 500 and half at 750, why not just run at 625 the whole way through? Don’t feel that you HAVE to use it if it won’t even be worth it in the end.

Spoilage shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you’ll be running another cycle afterwards. Run whatever dose you feel comfortable with. It is your second cycle so you should have an idea. What was your first cycle? How’d you feel on the doses? Any gyno problems, bloating, restlessness, etc?

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:
Sounds good. I’d use the winny in the beginning while waiting for the Test to “kick in” and feel free to run it at up to 100mg/day (assuming oral), depending on your judgement, for up to six weeks if desired. And instead of running half of it at 500 and half at 750, why not just run at 625 the whole way through? Don’t feel that you HAVE to use it if it won’t even be worth it in the end.

Spoilage shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you’ll be running another cycle afterwards. Run whatever dose you feel comfortable with. It is your second cycle so you should have an idea. What was your first cycle? How’d you feel on the doses? Any gyno problems, bloating, restlessness, etc?[/quote]

There’s no reason to run stanazolol at 100mg/day. I just posted this in another thread.
Bill Roberts:

“There are no particular noticeable added side effects from use at 100 mg/day, but I am unsure as to whether there is any further benefit compared to 50 mg/day usage. I think it likely that when Winstrol is only part of a stack which in itself would be reasonably complete, amounts added beyond 50 mg/day add little to nothing further. But when used alone or with rather small amounts of other anabolic steroids, there may well be some further improvement at the higher dose.”

[quote]Toby Queef wrote:

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:
Sounds good. I’d use the winny in the beginning while waiting for the Test to “kick in” and feel free to run it at up to 100mg/day (assuming oral), depending on your judgement, for up to six weeks if desired. And instead of running half of it at 500 and half at 750, why not just run at 625 the whole way through? Don’t feel that you HAVE to use it if it won’t even be worth it in the end.

Spoilage shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you’ll be running another cycle afterwards. Run whatever dose you feel comfortable with. It is your second cycle so you should have an idea. What was your first cycle? How’d you feel on the doses? Any gyno problems, bloating, restlessness, etc?[/quote]

There’s no reason to run stanazolol at 100mg/day. I just posted this in another thread.
Bill Roberts:

“There are no particular noticeable added side effects from use at 100 mg/day, but I am unsure as to whether there is any further benefit compared to 50 mg/day usage. I think it likely that when Winstrol is only part of a stack which in itself would be reasonably complete, amounts added beyond 50 mg/day add little to nothing further. But when used alone or with rather small amounts of other anabolic steroids, there may well be some further improvement at the higher dose.” [/quote]

Like I said, it depends on your personal judgement. And in the case of stacking, he agrees with higher doses as well. I have never run winny, myself, but when I do, I plan to use it like anything else: start at a reasonable dose and adjust accordingly. If I don’t feel much at 50, of course I’d run it higher. Likewise when I first ran test at 630/week, I found it too high, so I brought it down to 560/week, finding it a perfect dose. I was just giving the guy some more options to think about, no biggie. He seems to have his shit down pretty well

[quote]Toby Queef wrote:

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:
Sounds good. I’d use the winny in the beginning while waiting for the Test to “kick in” and feel free to run it at up to 100mg/day (assuming oral), depending on your judgement, for up to six weeks if desired. And instead of running half of it at 500 and half at 750, why not just run at 625 the whole way through? Don’t feel that you HAVE to use it if it won’t even be worth it in the end.

Spoilage shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you’ll be running another cycle afterwards. Run whatever dose you feel comfortable with. It is your second cycle so you should have an idea. What was your first cycle? How’d you feel on the doses? Any gyno problems, bloating, restlessness, etc?[/quote]

There’s no reason to run stanazolol at 100mg/day. I just posted this in another thread.
Bill Roberts:

“There are no particular noticeable added side effects from use at 100 mg/day, but I am unsure as to whether there is any further benefit compared to 50 mg/day usage. I think it likely that when Winstrol is only part of a stack which in itself would be reasonably complete, amounts added beyond 50 mg/day add little to nothing further. But when used alone or with rather small amounts of other anabolic steroids, there may well be some further improvement at the higher dose.” [/quote]

Like I said, it depends on your personal judgement. And in the case of stacking, he agrees with higher doses as well. I have never run winny, myself, but when I do, I plan to use it like anything else: start at a reasonable dose and adjust accordingly. If I don’t feel much at 50, of course I’d run it higher. Likewise when I first ran test at 630/week, I found it too high, so I brought it down to 560/week, finding it a perfect dose. I was just giving the guy some more options to think about, no biggie. He seems to have his shit down pretty well

Hey thanks for all the help, ya my first cycle was just a simple test Enth 12 weeks of shooting 500 a week. No side effects at all other then a small amount of bloat and stretchmarks hahaha, but seriously only a little bloat which wasent bad at all.

So you think I’m better off running the winstrol at the very start of my cycle? Also I still have to pick up pins and dont have any on hand I’m just wondering how hard 625 is to measure out accurlately?

Thanks for all the help its grealty appreciated

How many mg’s per ml is you test?

It is unlikely that it’ll work out perfectly for you to be able to do exactly 625 per week so just use the closest possible dose below that (obviously you don’t have enough for above it). For example, if your Test is 300mg/ml and you want 312.5mg per injection, then just do 1ml per injection, resulting in 600mg/wk. Close enough and you’ll have some left over for next time.

If it were up to me, IDEALLY, I’d run the winny for 6 weeks- the 2 weeks where you’re off after the first 12 weeks of Test and the 4 weeks preceding them. That way you’re still pretty “on” during those weeks right up until your PCT and you’ll be able to have your leaning out effect. Otherwise, yeah just run it in the beginning to feel the effects right away. The latter method is the more common one but I like the former a lot more. It’s up to you.

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:

[quote]Toby Queef wrote:

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:
Sounds good. I’d use the winny in the beginning while waiting for the Test to “kick in” and feel free to run it at up to 100mg/day (assuming oral), depending on your judgement, for up to six weeks if desired. And instead of running half of it at 500 and half at 750, why not just run at 625 the whole way through? Don’t feel that you HAVE to use it if it won’t even be worth it in the end.

Spoilage shouldn’t be an issue, especially if you’ll be running another cycle afterwards. Run whatever dose you feel comfortable with. It is your second cycle so you should have an idea. What was your first cycle? How’d you feel on the doses? Any gyno problems, bloating, restlessness, etc?[/quote]

There’s no reason to run stanazolol at 100mg/day. I just posted this in another thread.
Bill Roberts:

“There are no particular noticeable added side effects from use at 100 mg/day, but I am unsure as to whether there is any further benefit compared to 50 mg/day usage. I think it likely that when Winstrol is only part of a stack which in itself would be reasonably complete, amounts added beyond 50 mg/day add little to nothing further. But when used alone or with rather small amounts of other anabolic steroids, there may well be some further improvement at the higher dose.” [/quote]

Like I said, it depends on your personal judgement. And in the case of stacking, he agrees with higher doses as well. I have never run winny, myself, but when I do, I plan to use it like anything else: start at a reasonable dose and adjust accordingly. If I don’t feel much at 50, of course I’d run it higher. Likewise when I first ran test at 630/week, I found it too high, so I brought it down to 560/week, finding it a perfect dose. I was just giving the guy some more options to think about, no biggie. He seems to have his shit down pretty well[/quote]

No, you read it wrong. Bill Roberts said if Stanazolol is used as part of a stack then use beyond 50mg isn’t noticeable. He said as a standalone it might be more beneficial. His word around here is the gospel. How can you say it’s up to ‘your personal judgement’ when you yourself can’t provide a personal opinion since you said you’ve never even used it?

My mistake in reading it wrong. I was watching some Family Guy while reading that haha But yes, I don’t care if I’m dosing the honey in my tea or if it’s winny, I use my judgement. Too many sides? Tone it down. Too little results? Kick it up.

I think I’m starting to see that you really like uneccessary conflict, don’t you?:confused:

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:
My mistake in reading it wrong. I was watching some Family Guy while reading that haha But yes, I don’t care if I’m dosing the honey in my tea or if it’s winny, I use my judgement. Too many sides? Tone it down. Too little results? Kick it up.

I think I’m starting to see that you really like uneccessary conflict, don’t you?:/[/quote]

The only thing that was unnecessary was you posting while you were you “distracted” and misinterpreting what was said. There’s enough bad information out there already and it doesn’t need to be regurgitated.
I would call anyone out for making a careless, stupid, or unintentional mistake like that, so don’t take it to heart like the other whiners do.
You acknowledged you fucked up. That’s it. Time to move on.

[quote]Toby Queef wrote:

[quote]Jacked fibraz wrote:
My mistake in reading it wrong. I was watching some Family Guy while reading that haha But yes, I don’t care if I’m dosing the honey in my tea or if it’s winny, I use my judgement. Too many sides? Tone it down. Too little results? Kick it up.

I think I’m starting to see that you really like uneccessary conflict, don’t you?:/[/quote]

The only thing that was unnecessary was you posting while you were you “distracted” and misinterpreting what was said. There’s enough bad information out there already and it doesn’t need to be regurgitated.
I would call anyone out for making a careless, stupid, or unintentional mistake like that, so don’t take it to heart like the other whiners do.
You acknowledged you fucked up. That’s it. Time to move on.[/quote]

Yes, some of us are man enough to acknowledge when we’re wrong. It would behoove you to do the same buddy. But you’re right, time to move on…

yaaa I’m thinking about dropping the winny as a whole just to save my joints I think. I do need an opinion on armidex, do you guys perfer to take it the whole cycle in a small dose or wait until you see sides such as bloat to start dosing?

Thanks guys

[quote]mitch05 wrote:
yaaa I’m thinking about dropping the winny as a whole just to save my joints I think. I do need an opinion on armidex, do you guys perfer to take it the whole cycle in a small dose or wait until you see sides such as bloat to start dosing?

Thanks guys[/quote]

Depends on your last cycle. How many compounds did it include and at what doses?

JF, when you said you first ran test at 750 per week and found it too high- can you elaborate please-I’m just wondering what sides you were experiencing? Idle curiosity nothing more LOL

The first time I used Winny (oral, I’ve never used the shots) I got noticable results on 30mg a day, I’ve gone up to 50mg, I think 100mg would be a lttle excessive. I would start lower and work upwards, the half life is short so a couple of days on 30mg when 50 is better is no tragedy.

[quote]buddaboy wrote:
JF, when you said you first ran test at 750 per week and found it too high- can you elaborate please-I’m just wondering what sides you were experiencing? Idle curiosity nothing more LOL

The first time I used Winny (oral, I’ve never used the shots) I got noticable results on 30mg a day, I’ve gone up to 50mg, I think 100mg would be a lttle excessive. I would start lower and work upwards, the half life is short so a couple of days on 30mg when 50 is better is no tragedy. [/quote]

Well I ended up having to jack up Adex to 1mg/day and still was bloated out’ve my mind with very sensitive nipples. I also started becoming extremely oily, which is very unusual for me as I never have problems with oily skin or acne. It was just uncomfortable overall. I’m actually finding that lower doses of test yield similar results for me while allowing me to feel better overall and having very few sides. I plan on incorporating more “gyno-friendly” compounds from here on out actually (Mast, Var, Primo, etc.). I’m starting to see why a lot of people have the philosophy of “Test for HRT, use other compounds to get your gains in”, but I digress… I guess my point is that this is all a learning process for everyone; you have to experiment and find what’s right for YOU

Are you sure, positive the adex was real? It wasn’t research adex was it? Was the test of questionable quality?

Anyhow, sorry to hear you had those problems, I’m only sceptical because I have used 800mg test a week, with a pre existing case of Gyno and not had problems on 0.25mg adex EOD. Obviously, I am not you, but I don’t ever remember reading about anyone on here needing 1mg adex a day whilst on that kind of dose.

[quote]buddaboy wrote:
Are you sure, positive the adex was real? It wasn’t research adex was it? Was the test of questionable quality?

Anyhow, sorry to hear you had those problems, I’m only sceptical because I have used 800mg test a week, with a pre existing case of Gyno and not had problems on 0.25mg adex EOD. Obviously, I am not you, but I don’t ever remember reading about anyone on here needing 1mg adex a day whilst on that kind of dose.


I know, I was a little alarmed at first as well and thought through the same logic. In the end, it came down to whether or not I trusted my source. Obviously I can’t go into details but I do have a lot of trust in “it”.

Here’s how I thought through this:
I decided the Adex was real because as I upped the dose, the symptoms did subside a noticable amount. And when it came to deciding on whether or not it was underdosed, there’s no real way to tell for certain, short of lab testing. But, as all the other products are great quality, the best I can do is assume this should be no different. (Note: No pharm grade stuff used). And no, it wasn’t research stuff, which I’ve been told to avoid as well.

As for the test, it is definitely real. Aside from the gains, the bad sides support that as well (what else gives size, libido increase, sensitive nipples, oily skin, etc.?) The only possibility that would make sense then would be if it were overdosed, which would be very unusual for obvious reasons.

So, in short, yes I think everything I used was “right”. In the grand scheme of things, I agree, I’ve heard of VERY few people who’ve had to take such a large dose of Adex for such a standard amount of test. Again, it came down to whether or not I trust my source, which all the signs point to “it” being trustworthy…

So I should run the adex at .25 adex EOD for the 12 weeks of my cycle instead of waiting for sides to show themselves, then start the dose? And I’ve decided I’am going to run the 625 a week for 12 weeks.