Age - 28
Height - 6’4
Weight - 250
Body/Facial Hair - Full beard, hairy chest and stomach (some sparse back hair too)
Describe how you carry fat - Around stomach mainly, chest and chin too.
Health Conditions/Symptoms - Unmotivated, fatigued and tired, used to write it off as long work hours,
Varicose veins right leg since age 20 ( hereditary from parents ) Cold hands and feet usually
Diet: Diet could be better I eat a decent amount of food - roughly 4k calories daily. I eat avocados, chicken, steak, cheese, beans, bananas other fruits but on the downside i will also eat ice creams and chocolates also which is not ideal.
Training - Not much training at the moment, working 70 hours per week, trying to fit some weight training in but really struggling to get to the gym and really lacking the drive and energy to put in a meaningful session
Testicle Aches - Since around 19/20 have had an ache in my right testicle and still do to this current day, it is a dull pain that is there nearly all the time. Had a doctor examine testicles and ultrasound at age 21 and they concluded it is not a varicocele like I assumed it would be. They claim it’s a benign cyst on the epididymus thats common and doesn’t usually cause problems and that surgery may or may not alleviate the pain. So ever since this I have put up with it. I also asked for a hormone test at this time and from memory. My Total T back then was 16 nmol/L and the Free T was 398 Pmol/L.
Drug Usage - No anabolics or rec drugs… smoked pot maybe 5-6 times in my life.
Alcohol/Ciggaretes - Not a regular smoker or drinker. may have a big night on the beers once a month or once every two months if there is an event on.
Morning Wood - Occasionally but very rarely do I have it, maybe once or twice a month.
Ok I hope I’ve included everything to give a bit of a background story. If not I will reply with additional information since I’m new here chances are I missed something…
I recently got my blood work done due to feelings of fatigue, low libido, low sex drive, poor erection quality and lack of morning wood…
It was a pretty basic panel so I do not have FSH or LH or Free T3/T4 but the areas of concern are the following…
Total Testosterone - 11.7 nmol/L (range is 10-35)
Free Testosterone - 198 pmol/L (range is 225-725)
TSH - 6.26 mU/L (range is 0.4 - 4.0 )
Vitamin D - 34 nmol/L (range is >50 for healthy level )
Basically the doctor told me to repeat the tests one month from now, he also added for them to check out LH , FSH and T3 T4. At this point if they are still bad he will refer me to an endocrinologist.
He commented that the testosterone is a little out of the norm and that the TSH is not elevated enough to be causing me the symptoms I am experiencing…
I know a decent amount of hormones and I’ve been researching even more lately… I absolutely disagree with his comments about my thyroid and testosterone… That Test level in American lab terms is about the equivalent of 330 ng/dl which puts me in the category of 100 year olds.
I’ve also researched that a TSH over 3.5 is a definite red flag.
When I do these next blood tests I will also be asking for a Semen Analysis because fertility is my main concern above all. We have recently been trying for a child and the gf is a year older so we want to have a child by her 30th hopefully… I’ve got my fingers crossed that everything is ok in this department, we’ve tried 3 times so far with no luck but apparently to be ruled infertile it takes a year of failing during regular intercourse but Id rather have my semen checked earlier incase there is a problem.
Has anyone got any opinions on all this. Can sperm production be still sufficient even with these poor testosterone levels and is it possible the high TSH is messing with the gnrh that would signal pituatary for fsh and lh release… I guess next month if I have high LH and high FSH it means I have primary hypogonadism
Thanks in advance, any input would be great