Anabolic Steroid induced hypogonadism is likely the culprit of you’re problems, you could try a HTPA restart or go on TRT. How do you feel? If you feel great, then the numbers don’t matter, if you feel like shit and have these numbers, a diagnosis of androgen deficiency can be made, some people naturally have very low levels of testosterone and it isn’t an issue.
If you’re currently in a hefty caloric deficit (cutting intensely) you’re testosterone will plummet, if this is the case, 9-10nmol or even lower is normal, I’ve seen bloods of guys pre-comp that have TT’s lower than 100ng/dl (4nmol) hence why many natural bodybuilders during competitions look very flat and lack the muscle fullness you see enhanced guys with, they have little to no androgen production at the time of competition. I can link a piece of literature that documented an individual (natural) prepping for a competition, prior to the competition his testosterone was 900ng/dl, during it was 200ng/dl and afterwards it rose back up to nearly 1000ng/dl. So if you’re cutting and feel like shit… stop eating in such a deficit, you don’t need TRT.
May I ask exactly what you used, how long you were on for and what doses?
There is a universal disliking of doctors on this board, the doctor bashing is unwarrented, endcrinologists know about sex hormones, the notion that they don’t is bullshit, they may not be up to date on testosterone replacement protocals because they have bigger things to worry about. What’s more serious, an old, obese male who doesn’t do any form of exercise, eats badly and has a poor sleep schedule with a TT of 300ng/dl or an individual with addisons disease suffering from an episode of adrenal crisis? When you think of the medical issues these doctors see daily, subclinical hypogonadism is not on the top of their checklists, too add to it, many people (like the example I gave above) can potentialy normalize their testosterone and eliminate symptoms of low T by sleeping better, choosing better dietary options and loosing weight. While some can say “oh but @unreal24278, I’m too tired with low T to go to gym therefore I can’t lose weight”. Who said anything about going to gym? Eat under you’re maintenance caloric intake and you’ll drop some pounds. That being said, you’re young, fit and exercise regularly, I’m just pointing out that many people who are on TRT probably don’t need to be (not that that’s a problem, just pointing it out)
Even the least intelligent of endocrinologists know more about hormones in general than you or I. Doctors who are into sports medicine and anti aging may be the best bet to get hormones prescribed to you, however they’re also more likely to prescribe you higher doses (YESSSSSSSSSSSS, HUGE PLUS), and they’re more expensive, they make tons of bank from you being their patients, and that’s not a bad thing, however you need to know sometimes these doctos will have more then you’re health on their agenda, there are a few clinics in Florida that’ll prescribe you 200mg test, 200mg deca, 50mg winny or anavar, they are prime examples of clinics that will treat you but are more focused on making money than their patients. It’s probably something I’ll do when I’m older as in literally next year or even as early as later this year if I have the time as I’d feel comfortable taking high doses if it was monitered via bloods and whatnot.
I’ll say this now, on this board there’s a notion that SHBG dictates injection frequency. NOWHERE does ANY literature exist saying this is the case, SHBG is a transport protein that a large portion of testosterone (and estradiol and dihydrotestosterone) Whatever testosterone isn’t bound to SHBG or Albumin is free testosterone, having more free testosterone doesn’t mean you go through testosterone at a faster rate, how fast you burn through testosterone is up to individual metabolism and elimination of the drug. Want to prove me wrong? Post some literature on it, if you feel better on more frequent shots it isn’t due to SHBG, it’s due to you’re individual metabolism of the drug and how you react to fluctuations in hormonal status, some are very sensitive to even minor hormonal fluctuations, others can feel the same at 1500ng/dl and at 500ng/dl
How’s you’re cardiovascular health?
Also I should say even if a doctor doesn’t have you’re health at heart, that’s not exactly a bad thing, if you have a supportive doctor that’ll prescribe and whatnot and you’re aware of the risks, it can be a dream come true, and both you and the doctor will get along very nicely lolololol. Many people believe in a strict code of ethics, I believe if the patient is aware of the risks, and the doctor is willing to prescribe, there’s no wrongdoing being done, that being said I do have a problem if these hormones are being prescribed too like… naieve people who just want to lose a couple of pounds