27 Years Old, Low Testosterone?

Hello there. I’m a 27 year old male, been working out for 2 years training 5-6 times a week. I sleep 7-8 hours a night and

have a moderately stressful job.

I’ve been experiencing some symptoms of low test. Fatigue, sex drive lower than normal, increased abdominal fat, I also have moderate gyno, which I’ve had since my teens sadly. I’ve never taken any steroids.

Decided to get my testosterone checked out via a blood sample. My doctor says “it’s normal” but I’m sceptical, because the range is massive and doesn’t account for age… I’m curious what you guys think.

Testosterone: 432 ng/dL (Normal Range: 220 - 905 ng/dL)

SHBG: 40.2 nmol/L (Normal Range: 16 - 55 nmol/L)

Free Androgen Index: 37.5 (Normal Range: 24 - 104)

Oestradiol: 43.7 pmol/L (Normal Range: <192)

I mean I’m inside the normal range, but being only 27 years old isn’t this considered low as hell? The test is also taken at 9 in the morning where test is supposed to be peaking…

Is it fine and am I freaking out over nothing?

Thanks in advance for your input.

President Trump’s T is higher than yours.

Testosterone levels are higher in younger males and lower in older males, your levels are on average lower than those in your age group and apparently the guidelines are outdated.

Unfortunately the guidelines don’t account for age when your testosterone score is evaluated. There’s a strong effort to prevent young men with an androgen deficiency from being prescribed TRT, the reason ranges from insurance companies pulling doctors strings so they don’t have to pay out for treatment, doctors have lost the ability to make decision about your health.

What’s really making your situation worse is SHBG is higher than midrange and it’s binding up more testosterone than if your were in the mid 20’s, if that were the case you would have more bioavailable testosterone and would feel a little better than you do now.

Most insurance companies won’t pay for TRT unless you have two labs showing lower than 300, you score a 301 and you’re normal. You’re likely suffering from an androgen deficiency long before you hit 300.

You’re scoring very close to president Trump and I will remind you of his age of 72, so you are matching 70 years olds.

Most go private to escape the BS, once you start paying for everything, boom TRT is yours.

Don’t feel bad, I scored 120 ng/dL.

That’s really demotivating knowing that my test is equivalent to that of a 70 year old… :frowning:
But thank you a lot for your information

Do you reckon I will still be able to make some gains and progress in the gym?

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I know a dude that had levels under 200 ng/dl. Before trt he was 6ft tall 220 with good ab definition. He could squat 575, bench 385 and deadlift 600. So yes you can make gains even with low test levels. He did not have low levels from aas use either.

On trt he is stronger, and 200 lbs and shredded.

Genetics does a lot regardless of test levels.


Just relax man. These level means nothing until you are sick man. These fluctuations are for life . Every second man will have some ups and downs in his blood work no one is perfect. I was 400 and now I’m 500 and I feel the same no changes . Like your heamoglobin level if you 13 you are good if you 17 you still good . Be in range don’t even think of these people making u feel shit just cause u trump level testosterone. Who knows your levels remain the same throughout . Trt are for sick who can’t get it up or feel like shit or tired not for healthy man .

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I just read posts of people with testosterone around 300-400 and they all feel miserable. So I fear I will feel the same eventually! But thanks for the encouragement, it really helps a lot man!
Same to you Ramanmania! Thanks!

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Doctors and labs aren’t fool believe them . You should know these injections and pills are life time commitment you will stuck with them through out life. Eat good exercise and don’t even think of your level . I was just the same like you . If you still don’t feel good go meet and endo he will make you feel good

This dude was strong and jacked, but pretty miserable mentally and was suffering from ed at 22 years old.

Doctors really could not figure out what was wrong with him, so they finally put him on trt.

You could consider a serm or HCG to bring up your natural levels. If you have symptoms be sure to rule thyroid out before addressing test levels. I think some of the symptoms overlap between hypothyroid and low test.