I’ve been reading through these forums like crazy recently and have gotten a lot of really great information. So thanks a lot to all of you for keeping up such a great forum.
I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, brain fog and lack of presence for a number of years now. The last couple years have gotten worse, along with adding low libido, inability to gain muscle, and lack of confidence to the list.
I’ve had a few blood tests over the years and I’ve included them below. Earlier this year I registered below the ‘normal range’ for total testosterone and my GP agreed to refer me to an endocrinologist. Since that test my levels have come up a bit, but I still haven’t had my first appointment with the endo. It’s actually scheduled for next week. But I’m worried that the most recent tests are indicating that my issue might lie somewhere other than testosterone or that there might be more than one issue at hand. I was very hopeful at first when I discovered the low T, but now that it’s not outside of the ‘normal’ range, I’m not as confident I have a potential solution.
Can you guys help me interpret these labs? I know that I will need more tests, but this is what I have for now and would hope to be a little more prepared going into my first appointment with the endo. Do you think I should might still be a candidate for TRT or is there something else I should focus my efforts on?
Testosterone is low on most of your tests and going on the average for men your age, you are below all your peers. Doctors like to focus hard on the numbers and believe we are all clones of the same person. Doctors see range 8.4-28.8 and if you come in at 8.45 you are normal, however drop below 8.4 and you are not normal, expect it’s not that simple.
Here in the US you must score twice below 300 ng/dL to be considered for TRT, converting your units to ours puts you at 368 ng/dL. I believe your SHBG being midrange is inflating your T status a little bit making it look better than it really is, this is where lower LH is useful which also confirms low testosterone.
Now the battle begins to get a doctor to treat you, this is usually where I tell the guy it’s time to seek private care.
-age: 32
-height: 5’9"
-waist: 32"
-weight: 170lbs (recently reduced from 185)
-describe body and facial hair: decent amount of facial hair, very little body hair
-describe where you carry fat and how changed: have pretty much always carried fat around my stomach, chest and love handles.
-health conditions, symptoms [history]; depression, anxiety, brain fog, low confidence, low libido
-Rx and OTC drugs, any hair loss drugs or prostate drugs ever: no
-lab results with ranges: above
-describe diet: Have constantly been modifying my diet, never starvation, just various forms of low carb. Lost the 15lbs on carnivore diet. pretty much meat, veg and rice now.
-describe training: weight lifting 3-5/week
-testes ache, ever, with a fever?: No
-how have morning wood and nocturnal erections changed: very rare
I live in Canada, so private care is out of the question. I think I am lucky enough to have been referred to an endo as well as to Dr. Komer at Masters Mens Clinic, but I haven’t seen too many good reviews of his on here. I have the first appt with him at the end of next month. Thinking positively at least I know that he is willing to treat people with TRT, so I got that going for me…which is nice.