27 y/o First Cycle

10 oz Olive Oil
1 lb of Grass-fed and finished Beef (75% Lean Ground)
12 Raw Eggs
1 oz Almonds
2 oz Cheese

8 Apples
8 Cups of Oatmeal

minimum of 1 Gal of Water everyday

5/3/1 - Thu-Sun

5 mg Tabs of D-Bol - Taken @ 9:30AM ; 12:30PM ; 3:30PM (15mg Daily)

Started: March/4/2011 Ended: March/20/2011

Cycle Duration
16 days

So far seeing more vascularity in arms…Waist has reduced 1"…Fuller muscles…5 lb Gain…

Lots of libido, increased morning wood, greater confidence & focus, agressive responses to stupid people are kept under total control but energy is saved for workout sessions…lol…

Thinking this will be the only cycle I will do cuz I just want a boost. Plans are to continue lifting for the next 30 years pain free and maintain organ health and function at 100%.

DBOL GOALS: Get a feeling for Gear.

Stats: (Goals)
215 lbs, 5’ 11", BF:? (8%)
Neck 16" - (18")
Shoulder Tape 22"
Chest 44" - (50")
Arms 16" - (18")
Forearms 13.5" - (15")
Waist 34" - (32")
Hips 42"
Thighs 27"
Calves 17" - (19")

Follow my Log @

what the fuck?

The fuck is this shit?

I have never seen anything laid out so stupidly. What the hell is up with the sundays diet? No meat?

Where are the carbs monday through saturday?

You expect to gain 6 inches on your chest from 15mg of d-bol per day?

Have you totaled your daily macros?

Your PCT is looking good man. Wait, what the fuck?

oral only cycle, real smart…

You should at least start with 30 mg of dbol and work your way up from there

[quote]hustle1121 wrote:
You should at least start with 30 mg of dbol and work your way up from there[/quote]

stop posting here if this is the amount of effort youre going to put into your posts

[quote]hustle1121 wrote:
You should at least start with 30 mg of dbol and work your way up from there[/quote]

No, he shouldn’t, he should not be retarded about his diet first…

My diet works and its all that matters

[quote]nyboricua9 wrote:
My diet works and its all that matters

lol, cool story bro. Then why take AS?

[quote]nyboricua9 wrote:
My diet works and its all that matters

Define works… What results have you had since you started this diet?

Stats: (Goals)
215 lbs, 5’ 11”, BF:? (8%)
Neck 16" - (18")
Shoulder Tape 22"
Chest 44" - (50")
Arms 16" - (18")
Forearms 13.5" - (15")
Waist 34" - (32")
Hips 42"
Thighs 27"
Calves 17" - (19") "

Do you really think having a whole day without meat or any significant source of protein is conducive to adding 6 inches to your chest, 2 inches to your arms, 2 inches to your neck, calves, and losing 2 inches from your waist?

I agree is is clean food but not enough carbs most days, then you have basically all carbs on Sunday…

It may have “worked” to bring you from bad to semi-decent shape, but it is definitely not optimal.

Also you say this:
"Thinking this will be the only cycle I will do cuz I just want a boost. Plans are to continue lifting for the next 30 years pain free and maintain organ health and function at 100%.

DBOL GOALS: Get a feeling for Gear"

You will likely lose most of the gains you make, so a lot of that “boost” will go away. If it is the only cycle you are going to do, then why would you need to “Get a feeling for gear”…Also if it is the only cycle, I assume you plan on getting a boost, keeping your gains, and being satisfied. If that is the case why didn’t you pick a first cycle that would give gains that would be kept more easily? Your cycle does not make sense for your goals. Not to mention the changes in measurements you propose are not realistic. Its a 50 day cycle. I don’t think with this cycle and that diet that you will make that big of a change in a little over 7 weeks…

I could be wrong about how realistic those goals are, but your methods to attain them are definitely flawed. Sub-optimal at best.

If you didn’t want this kind of feedback, you shouldn’t have made the thread.

I agree with your advice but I was posting in the first place for the sake of sharing. I am just experimenting. I have been training for a good while and I dont know it all and dont expect to achieve those goals I stated with this cycle. I should of just kept it to myself and not wasted anyones time on the board when others might truly need the help. But I do appreciate all the time you have spent replying.

The no protein day is a break, mentally and digestive. I did mention I want organ health. My shape was never bad, always had decent fitness. Like I said I just see more vascularity and that could be from the consistency of keeping the plan and not the gear. The additional size might be muscle memory as well. Just waiting to see.

I am using the Anabolic Solution by Mauro G. Di Pasquale. Training is Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 Method.

And everyone is different…What might be optimal for you might not be for me. I would like to hear more about your optimal perspective. Thanks

[quote]nyboricua9 wrote:
I agree with your advice but I was posting in the first place for the sake of sharing. I am just experimenting. I have been training for a good while and I dont know it all and dont expect to achieve those goals I stated with this cycle. I should of just kept it to myself and not wasted anyones time on the board when others might truly need the help. But I do appreciate all the time you have spent replying.

The no protein day is a break, mentally and digestive. I did mention I want organ health. My shape was never bad, always had decent fitness. Like I said I just see more vascularity and that could be from the consistency of keeping the plan and not the gear. The additional size might be muscle memory as well. Just waiting to see.

I am using the Anabolic Solution by Mauro G. Di Pasquale. Training is Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 Method. [/quote]

Giving your body a break from protein is an excellent idea. When you resume eating protein, your body will be craving it. Sounds very plausible.

[quote]bushidobadboy wrote:

[quote]nyboricua9 wrote:
And everyone is different…What might be optimal for you might not be for me. I would like to hear more about your optimal perspective. Thanks[/quote]

Yes everyone is different, but not to the extent that you might think.

There is optimal and then there is ‘full retard’, sorry.

You expect me to take you seriously when you eat 8 apples and 8 cups of oatmeal on a sunday?


You know your shit sucks when BBB thinks you went full retard.

Never go full retard.

So Im retarded for doing a clean carb loading day? Keeping the food bill within budget? Following the advice from the Anabolic Diet? Im retarded for posting this shit on here and expecting … whatever


March 4 - 13 (10 days) - 15 mg
March 14 - 19 (6 days) - 20 mg
March 20 - April 7 (19 days) - 25 mg

Lets see what happends… :wink: