2016 New York Pro

I don’t know if too many regular posters in here actively follow the IFBB, but this weekend is the New York Pro (formerly the Night of Champions). After the Olympia, and the Arnold, this is considered the 3rd largest Pro show of the year.

Just reaching out to see if anyone else is gonna be in attendance. My buddy Brad and I will be center stage supporting our good friend who’s competing after winning the Pittsburgh show a couple of weeks back.


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I like how they hold the “New York” Pro in another state, lol.

Lol I know. Just like how the Islanders aren’t on long island anymore.

Supposedly the New Jersey venue is much larger and nicer. We’ll see.


Actually, little known fact, Brooklyn and Queens are on Long Island.

I would go but schlepping out to Jersey is a bit too much. I am planning on attending the Hercules, for what it’s worth.

lol I used to always choke back a laugh whenever anyone who lived in Queens talked about living in “the city”.

Definitely lemme know if you;'re gonna be at the Hercules! It’s always one hell of a contest.


1st dexter - clear winner.

2nd roelly - looking incredible. delts, arms, quads and hams are out of this world. only thing i dont like is his back double biceps pose. there is nothing after delts and traps but this is structural i suppose.

3rd victor - he surprised me. he was looking very good in my opinion. not 2007 good but he may be getting there. definitely top 10 at the olympia.

4th maxx - great from the front, different story from the back. when his back poses matches his front poses, he will do some damage. great most muscular pose by the way.

5th steve - the man who impressed me the most. he is huge and has a great structure. his condition was also good this time. i think he should have placed 4th instead of maxx. hands on the hips most muscular was insane, even roelly looked small beside him.

6th juan - his body looks weird when he poses. his upper body is huge compared to his legs. i have seen too many bodybuilders with huge legs small upper body and they all turned great with time. but i have never seen the opposite. i hope he surprises me. also i believe he should ask the help of a trainer after this. his own style may not be working anymore.

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It was a great show. I have some videos clips I pieced together. I will put it up when I am done (not exactly adept at using iMovie here).