I weighed myself this morning and for the first time in my life I weigh 200lbs.
I started at 150, I’m now 200 with a decent bf%. Fuck yes.
Next step…250. (And about 3x stronger than I am now
Good luck with your goals everyone.
I weighed myself this morning and for the first time in my life I weigh 200lbs.
I started at 150, I’m now 200 with a decent bf%. Fuck yes.
Next step…250. (And about 3x stronger than I am now
Good luck with your goals everyone.
Nice! Isn’t it great being in the “2” catagory rather than the “1”? I remember how thrilled I was when I did that.
180 was a recent milestone for me (5’8), now I’m very close to 190, can’t wait for 200
Damn dude, congratulations. I started at 155 and I’m at 195 currently. I’m almost there.
Gratz! Can’t wait to get there, I’m at 190 but it’s gonna take quite awhile because I’m pretty fat (18%) and have to lean out first. '-___-
Congratulations! Keep going.
Very cool! It’ll be a few years before I can make the same claim. I’ve been 200lbs, but not in a good way. about 30 lbs to go until I hit 200 the right way.
Can’t wait to get that feeling sometime this summer(190 give or take fluctuations).
Way to go - I remember hitting 200. I actually couldn’t believe it when I saw it on the scale. Now at 220 all I can think of is 230. I wonder if I will ever be happy!
[quote]slazeagle wrote:
Way to go - I remember hitting 200. I actually couldn’t believe it when I saw it on the scale. Now at 220 all I can think of is 230. I wonder if I will ever be happy![/quote]
Is that a curse or a blessing?
Good lad! I’ll be there and holding steady in 6 months too. It is a milestone.
I remember being stoked at reaching 70kg!! thats 154lbs! I am nearly 40lbs above that now - took the best part of six years due to losing it all more than once…!
Awesome dude! I remember when I hit 200 lean lbs. No scrawny, but 200 solid ass pounds. I’ve been punching, clawing, damn near running uphill backwards with a midget on my back to get to 220. Keep on growin!
That is completely awesome. I hope to achieve 205 lbs by this time next year.
I too started at 150 lbs. How long did it take you?
[quote]rephore wrote:
That is completely awesome. I hope to achieve 205 lbs by this time next year.
I too started at 150 lbs. How long did it take you?[/quote]
10 months with a 4 month hiatus due to injury.
So…6 months of training. I gained about 1% of body fat as well.
[quote]red04 wrote:
Can’t wait to get that feeling sometime this summer(190 give or take fluctuations).[/quote]
This worked out really well for me. I has a sabbatical a few summers ago. I weighed around 188 at the time. I promised myself that I would weigh 200 at the end of my sabbatical. All I did that summer was workout, eat and sleep. When I came back to work, I weighed 203. I almost cried for finally breaking 200. Granted, I gained a some fat, but it was nice to finally say I was over 200.
Yeahhhh I hit 200 dry about 2 months ago I guess… I had been training hard and eating like a machine and hadn’t weighed myself in weeks and then I stepped on the scale at like 203! I was like what the hell!
Now I’m a dry 204-205 looking to hit 220 by October! Keep eating!
i started out at 160, weighted myself at 175 i was soooo stoked! by the end of sumer hope to be see 190 or a lean 185…
eat like a pig to get big
Sorry - but those of you above my height at 5’8" who are claiming to be 200lbs and happy - WTF? That is the equivalent of me coming here and posting “Woohoo! i hit 170!!”
It is not the same - you cannot compare 5’9" and above at 200lbs to shorter lads. There is a good 10lb difference!
I’ll be reaching 200 this summer. Started about one and a half years ago, at 125lbs. I’m really psyched!
Edit: I’ll be posting my progress when two years has passed -this October, abouts.
Congrats bro! I started at 150 lbs myself (20 years old, 5’9), and 180 was the first milestone. I honestly never thought I’d break the ‘2’ barrier. I will note though, that once you’re there, the worry about going under will freak you out big time!
I’ve been cutting lately, and had to psychologically prepare myself, knowing that I’d be going under 200 lbs, but would ultimately look better in the long run. Still, I miss telling people that I weigh over 2 bills (made it up to 220 at my heaviest, but will be honest about the ‘softness’ of my midsection -lol)