*10.4 nmol/L 16.00 - 55.00
This is my most recent test, given my previous low testosterone blood results, I was referred to an endocrinologist. They also did another blood test on me and they said my T was in range (but they didn’t give me the values). However, the prolactin was slightly elevated and I assume that doesn’t mean a prolactinoma as that would mean prolactin would be incredibly high.
I have no idea what to do next… My blood tests clearly show Low T, Low SHBG, AND even Low E2… I’ve never been on steroid in my life and I have all the symptoms of Low testosterone. I need help… I’m even thinking of self administering a clomid cycle but clomid blocks Estrogen which I need to increase aswell… Please help me as I dont know what to do anymore.
Your calculated Free T is low. You need to find a specialists that knows what their doing because this doctor doesn’t, clueless doctors will hard focus on the numbers when knowledge is lacking.
What about thyroid labs? We need Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3 and antibodies. Lower SHBG can be explained by low thyroid hormones.
These are disease state levels and life expectancy is low at these levels.
I also Had another srt of thyroid tests about a week later;
TSH: 0.82. (0.35 - 4.94)
fT4: 15 (9 - 20)
I have a feeling my thyroid is okay, but prolactin did come slightly elevated at: 519 (73 - 407) mIU/L.
This prolactin level was part of a series of tests my endocrinologist ordered as they wanted to confirm my previous results. I never got the values for that specific blood test but her findings were: “Testosterone was in range but on the low side, however, the low SHBG means that Free Testosterone is likely more than adequate. Prolactin is slightly elevated therefore I will be organising an MRI for your pituitary gland”.
She sees a slightly high prolactin level and orders an MRI immediately, but T levels of an 80 year old in someone who is 20 years of age poses no concern.
I’m definitely going to administer my own clomid cycle at 25mg EOD. This will raise my SHBG, T and E2. As they’re all low for me, I think this will be my best shot. LH would also rise which is beneficial seeing my LH is at the bottom range aswell.
*I’m 20 years old. 5 foot 9 75kg. I live in the UK so I don’t know what I should do exactly.
Any future TRT protocol needs to focus on frequent injections, 10-14mg ethanate everyday do to very low SHBG. Low SHBG men don’t hold onto testosterone for very long, most is excreted into the urine fairly quickly. This is why frequent injections is important.
Thyroid looks ok, would be better to have Free T3 midrange or slightly better. Nutrition is important for thyroid.
Low SHBG could be genetic, therefore nothing can be done about it.
Start out on 12.5mg of Clomid EOD, if more is needed try 25mg EOD. I’ve even seen guys do well on 25mg Clomid every 3-4 days. Usually when one stops Clomid levels drop right back down to baseline, few men feel good on Clomid long term.
Anastrozole may be needed with Clomid, start out very low if needed.
You seem extremely knowledgable in this area and I appreciate your time!
I have another question; in that I dont understand how my Free T could be calculated as that low. My total T is definitely low, but wouldnt a low shbg mean less Total T binded and thus a higher value for Free T? How did they calculate such a low Free T level?
Also, is it possible to stay on clomid long term? I doubt I would have an E2 sides due to my already super low E2 levels.
I prefer directly measured Free T, I’ve seen consistent numbers on every test. Remember your Total T is significantly lower later in the day, your only seeing the peak level. Low SHBG men metabolize testosterone faster and also excreter more of it than a guy with midrange SHBG.
Free T needs to be 3/4 or closer to the top of the range.
I will go along with the 12.5mg clomid EOD. I’ve read about people using clomid and then stopping. Some have found that their levels do drop but stay at a higher level than before the clomid protocol, like here;