[quote]protokultur wrote:
I’ve wondered about that myself buffd, I think I recall a study showing 5 days of 50mg clomid boosting testosterone in men for 4(or 6?) weeks, can’t remember well.
But made me think, are we always overdoing it, especially for PCT uses, often with recommendations of 50-100mg/day for the first week or two, or sometimes more. Has me wondering, would 25mg/day for a week or so followed by EOD work just as well if not better?
Any thoughts with regard to PCT dosages Buffd?[/quote]
I think for most men (note, I wrote “most”, not “all”. There is a HUGE difference), a little bit of Clomid off and on for a LONG period of time is the way to go. I think current PCT of 100 mg or more of Clomid isn’t necessary. When I got off my cycles (WAY back now), I did do the 50 to 100 mg Clomid ED for WEEKS…not just 2 weeks or so. I used that dosage because that was the current experience and thinking at the time. Nowadays, I’m reading what I consider ridiculous dosages of 200 mg or so. No…personally I don’t believe that is necessary, and I strongly believe that is the cause of many people getting these horrible emotional sides from Clomid.
Now, back then, I DID try a low dose Clomid PCT. Not exactly like what the OP is doing or what my friends are doing, but I did do 25 mg ED. Comparing the 50 - 100 mg Clomid PCT protocol with only 25 mg Clomid PCT for WEEKS resulted (for me only now…my experience cannot be taken as gospel for everyone) in the SAME level of recovery. And by recovery, I mean pre-cycle blood work gets pretty close to post cycle bloodwork…and not based on one single blood work result either.
Now, I NEVER did really high dosages of anabolics. The most I ever did was 700 mg/week, and had to stop that level due to negative sides (health wise) that I was not willing to “suffer through”. My cycles were always shorter duration, lower dosages, with plenty of time off. These are concepts that, unfortunately, many anabolic warriors today just don’t do. Blast and Cruise is the protocol of today. Then again, to obtain the awesome mass of today’s bodybuilder or even gym warrior of today, higher dosages and never ending cycles may be the only way to achieve those goals. Those were never mine.
So, maybe the lower Clomid PCT dosage protocol worked for me only BECAUSE my “shutdown” was not as prolonged as traditional cycles of today. Who knows!
One last thing: quite frankly, unless someone did blood work before, during and after cycles, I really don’t know how anyone can claim they have “recovered” their natural T-production after some PCT. I’ve read alot of experiences where the user “thinks” they have recovered, but really, they just don’t know.