I want to spend the next 5 Month to get my Push Press up to 1x100kg.
at the moment i used your Continuesd Ramp Method and ended up by 4x75kg.
whiche periodisation u recommend?
My idea was to use something like the powerlook Program
I want to spend the next 5 Month to get my Push Press up to 1x100kg.
at the moment i used your Continuesd Ramp Method and ended up by 4x75kg.
whiche periodisation u recommend?
My idea was to use something like the powerlook Program
Not a bad idea.
Remember that when you give priority to some muscle group, you have to back off a little bit on the rest.
Power look Program is a good balanced approach since you won´t have to guess how to back off on the other body parts or how to calculate loads for assistance exercises.
Just do not try to do back to back cycles; you must deload for some weeks before repeating. In the mean time you could do some hypertrophy type training (volume). Look for CT answers about repeating Power Look Program.
CT recommendations, if I do not remember wrong, leaving a couple of weeks before repeating it. In my case that could not be possible; even my results were good, my tendons and joints were having some mild continuous inflammation towards the end of the program: it ended 2 weeks after I deloaded.
I did not repeat it, but I would take some more weeks as I feel I would not stand the joint/tendon stress imposed by those big weights. What I can certainly tell you is that the program is great and the biggest load are not the weights BUT believing that you can do it. If I had repeated it, I would have taken maybe 4-5 for some regular hypertrophy training (volume); maybe German Volume Training
Good Luck
I did the plp also in the past. I know i just can include one cycle in this 5 month-challenge.
i continue the "continues ramp method for a the first ten Weeks and save the plp for the last. Because i dont know better and the challenge starts today.
thank you
[quote]Germanguy wrote:
I want to spend the next 5 Month to get my Push Press up to 1x100kg.
at the moment i used your Continuesd Ramp Method and ended up by 4x75kg.
whiche periodisation u recommend?
My idea was to use something like the powerlook Program [/quote]
Any periodization scheme works only as well as the choices you make for your assistance exercises, especially with a lift as complex as the push press (it’s much more technique than it seems). You need perfect body position during the dip/drive phase and good timing between the leg drive and arms.
A lot of people make the biggest mistake in the dip and drive. They so a short “knee jerk”… basically just bending at the knees, the knees travel forward as do the hips (so the hips are directly under the shoulders) this gives a very weak drive and the tendency to push forward.
Look at the dip position: lower back is arched, the dip is controlled and while the chest stays up the hips move back slightly. Then the drive is straight up.
Good assistance exercises include not only shoulder work but also movements working on the dip and drive phase, like half front squat (focusing on perfect body positions) and half push press (driving the bar just above the head).
Im still keep working on my Push Press. I hit 4x80kg im my last Session . But today i made a great experience
Today was squat/leg day
in the warm up i did vertical Jumps 3 Sets at first and then push presses to support my pusg press. But i concentrated myself only to use my hip and Legs and Arms lose. The Goal was to feel the momentium i create. I work up to easy 50kg. At the end my leg drive was so powerful that the bar flew over my Head without any press movement. I must hold the bar strong because i dont want the bar fly away.
this was a great experience.
than i did Frontsquats
Question. Have you any suggestions to improve my leg Training in a way to support my Goal to get stronger Overhead? Any tweaks?
Not exactly the answer to your question. But I remember my experience with the Power Look Program. I did well on the results to push press, 24 pounds increase, I now realize that I had done what you are doing with the leg drive.
One thing that I also realize at the end of the program is that, in my case, if I had had more strength on the terminal part of triceps extension I would have done it a little better; even if it is true what you said and the leg drive helps way mooooore than the triceps extension. At the end, every single drop counts to fill the bucket
Hope this can help you to reach your goal
Thank you . I never work serious at my trizepsstretgth. Okay i do dips but know you gave me the idea to work on this more. I fell thats maybe the weakness i need to work on.
the bar flew up but sometimes i cant finish the press with straigth arms if the weight becomes really heavy 75+
Hey Couch and Other
Can you please look at my two Videos. And tell me is my technic and tempo right. Im sure you can see where my weakpoints are . Thanks a lot
Heavyest Set on Frontsquats 5er up to 100kg
Heavyest Set on Highbar Back Squats 5er up to 120kg
[quote]Germanguy wrote:
Thank you . I never work serious at my trizepsstretgth. Okay i do dips but know you gave me the idea to work on this more. I fell thats maybe the weakness i need to work on.
the bar flew up but sometimes i cant finish the press with straigth arms if the weight becomes really heavy 75+
Hey Couch and Other
Can you please look at my two Videos. And tell me is my technic and tempo right. Im sure you can see where my weakpoints are . Thanks a lot
Heavyest Set on Frontsquats 5er up to 100kg
Heavyest Set on Highbar Back Squats 5er up to 120kg
Looks decent for a guy with long limbs. I’d say that you should work on core and upper back/thoracic extensors strength… doing zercher and/or zombie suat would be a good strategy.
It means a lot to me if YOU say my squat look decent, thanks you
I will follow your exercise advices
do you think i can do it in “Continiues Ramp Method” manner?
Zombie to 5rm
Zercher to 5rm
Frontsquat to 5rm
20% down and go All out
One intense Set of Back extension
One intense Set of Ab Whell
and skip backsquats for cupple of Time
Again, i film my Push Session today.
what i notice is that my wrists not in proper place at the Military Press
In the push press i tryed at the lighter sets to push so minimal from the legs as possible. But if the weight gets heavy i push harder and losed control. I done 5x75kg and 80kg . But its still to heavy
what do you think?
Today i did this in my Squat Session
Continues Ramp Method
Zombie Squat first Time
noticed that maybe im stronger in Zombie Squats as i thougt and diceded to continue with Zerchers and do Zombies again later this workout.
Zercher Squat
5x65kg - YouTube
fellt heavier that it looks in the Video. And i need something to make it easier on the biceps.
Zombie Squat again
4x85 the 5th rep i failed because i cant hold the Position with my arms. I noticed at zombie squats one second of sloppy position and the bar rolles up. I like it
Front Squat
5x95 today Frontsquats fellt heavy as hell. In contrast compared? to zombie squats my back start rounding a bit firward. My arms cant hold proper.
Back Squats
And one Set of 20 ass to grass reps with 95kg at the back squats
One Set Back Extensions with 30 heavy Cluster reps
And one Set of Hip Thrust 15 reps at 80kg
Looks this workout okay. Or is this to much?