I saw a guy do 50 reps with 225 once, his set lasted like 5 minutes (!!!) Your feet can start going numb when you do sets like this (!!!)
Here’s a technique that I use to trick myself into getting 20 reps in a ‘rest-pause’ style (but without setting the bar down):
Count them like this: 5, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 (that equals 20). So, 5 reps then pause and get some deep breaths. Then another ‘mini set’ of 5, then a set of 4, 3, 2, 1, with a pause for air in-between each. This way, as you get more and more tired, the number of reps drops every time.
If you miss a rep during a mini-set, that just means you have to add another ‘single’ at the end, to make 20. Everybody can usually find one more single rep in the tank, if the chips are down. If you are really pushing yourself, you might have to do a whole bunch of ‘singles’ in a sequence
I find this technique helps both physically and mentally (the idea of 20 reps can be intimidating, so break the set up into manageable chunks).
I also use this type of approach when I’m having a bad day, or if I have to do a reeaally heavy set… I tell myself “I’m just going to do 1 or 2 reps, no big deal!” but lo and behold, after two reps I still have gas in the tank for more reps, and I keep going
In other words, trick yourself into doing more by playing “counting games”.