Hey guys, I know alot enjoy to read how other cycles are going-Im particularly interested in the 2 weeks on/2-4 weeks off method. If anyone with experience would like to critic shoot away, I will be logging.
22yrs old
Cycle #3 (Cycle 1 was 12 weeks test e with drol, #2 was a 2 week dbol/tren)
height: 5’5-5’6
weight: 179
bf%: very low-guessing 6-7
Max Bench: 325lbs
squat: been awhile but last time was 380lbs
DL’s: downfall-I do 325 for sets of 5-6
Training Day 1: Chest/Back/Abs, supersets
Inclind DB Press 5 sets
Pullups 5 sets
Flat Barbell Bench 4-5 sets
DB Rows 4-5 sets
lying leg raises 2x15
sit ups 2x15
Day 2: Hams/Quads/Calves supersets
Squats 5 sets
Leg curls 5 sets
Leg Ext 4 sets
Stiff leg DL’s 4 sets
Standing calf raises 3 sets
calf press 2 sets
Day 3: Shoulders/Bi’s/Tri’s supersets
Dips or close grips 5 sets
Barbell Curls 5 sets
over head tri Ext. 5 sets
preacher pad DB curls or concentration curls 5 sets
I ramp the weight up, and the reps down. 1st set is at 15 then 12, 10, 8, 6.
Cals are up to about 4,000-4,300
Fats 150ish
Protein 300ish
Carbs 250-350ish
I often sub one excercise for another.
Cycle Plan:
Day 1-2
200mg Test Prop ed
50mg Winn
50mg Dbol
Day 3-10
150mg Test Prop ed
50mg Winn
50mg Dbol
Day 11-14
Winn 50mg
Dbol 50mg
Ill be using 10mg Nolva ed on cycle.
I might stop the Winn day 13 cause I read its got a 48hr active life. I need the drugs cleared out or very low-enough to start recovery, by day 15.
PCT starts Day 15 @20mg Nolva ed for 2 weeks.