Any one who has tried the two week on cycles and the four week off cycles please post your experience. I am very interested in this concept and would like to know more. Thank you.
do you mean prohormones or AAS? also use the search…you’ll find tons of info on setting them up.
I did 2 on 4 off three times in a row with great gains(142 to 172). I would recomend that you make sure your using a short acting test. I made the mistake of using enathate, so it was like I never really came off for 18 weeks. I had to fucking chow down on some tomaxifen for about a month to keep everything under control.
One caveat…I dont recommend anabolics but if you are going that route anyway…I have seen so many people do well on these on 4 off cycles (whether androsol or the real deal anabolics) that I think they are the smartest way to use them (as long as your other crap is in order like training, nutrition, and recovery drugs like clomid, etc.) Now, you are not going to get the results that slammin 1g+ of test a week for 10 weeks will bring you but if you are interested in your overall health, in minimizing massive fluctuations in mood, sex drive, and training drive, and in steadily progressing rather than gaining all sorts of weight then losing it this is probably for you. A 10-12 week cycle of a good anabolic should allow for a 20lb gain or so with huge strength gains. But after the cycle you may experience alot of strength loss and a good amount of muscle loss as you take 10-12 weeks off. With the 2 on 4 off, you can continually cycle all year and gradually gain the 20 pounds with minimal ups and downs.
Yes I mean anabolics. I have donemany searches and found different opinions. I just wanted everyones personal experiences. What compounds did you choose to go with and is it necessary to use clomid after the cycle. Is it necessacy to use ani estrogens since the cycle is so short.