Background; 25 years old, 9 years of natural training, 5’9 - 14’7 stone (roughly 200 pounds?). Done one previous short cycle of Test E @ 500mg per week for 8 weeks at the beginning of this year.
Looking to do a series of 2 on 2 off cycles after reading much praise of them, particularly the ones suggested by Bill Roberts. There seems to be good results with minimal sides and overall I will be 'on ’ for the same period of time as I will do 4 2 on 2 off’s just I think I’m giving my body a better chance at recovering faster with the periods inbetween, anyway was looking for some feedback or advice on my cycle, first of all i would prefer not to have the usual “8-12 weeks is the minimum I’d run Test for cause it takes that long to start noticing results”, I’m sticking with the 2 on 2 off would prefer advice on the set up ect.
Test Prop - FrontLoad 200mg on day 1 then 150mg on days 3,5,7,9,11,13
Arimidex 0.25mg every other day while ‘on’, up dose if notice signs of gyno
HCG 250IU’s x2 per week?
PCT Starting day 17 for 2 weeks Clomid 50mg per day
-You’ll get told not to bother with the two week cycles.
-You’ve already made up your mind to do them, so you’ll react negatively to the criticism
-This will get you flamed, somewhat
-Someone who has done the 2 weekers will tell you not to bother
-You’ll respond with all the praise you’ve heard over on Bill Roberts’ forum
-You’ll be told that NOBODY with any amount of muscle cycles this way
-You’ll say that’s fine because you don’t want to get “too big” or something
And whatever anyone says, you’ll do your little 2 weeker anyway.
^^ I assumed this aswell however I don’t see what the big problem is, I’m still going to be doing them for the same amount of time overall just spread out in 2 week blocks for minimized sides and to help with recovery?
Mate, I hear ya, but you’ll honestly do way better if you just do a proper cycle.
Do a 6-8 week cycle with the prop, PCT and be done with it. Instead of just shutting down and restarting your system a milion times, you just have to do one cycle, one PCT.
Your gains’ll be better and you’ll enjoy it a lot more. 2 weeks on prop is just when shirt starts to get fun, but then you want to stop? There’s no fun in that at all! Cycle properly and make gains, the way every steroid user with a bit of sense does.
I here ya, still looking to go at the shorter end do you think a 6 week cycle followed by 3 week pct will be more effective than two 4 week cycles with 3 week pct in between and pct again after?
[quote]T16oon wrote:
I here ya, still looking to go at the shorter end do you think a 6 week cycle followed by 3 week pct will be more effective than two 4 week cycles with 3 week pct in between and pct again after?[/quote]
Yes, I do believe a 6 week cycle will be better than a series of smaller cycles.
I also think that once you hit 6 weeks if you’ve enough prop left over you’ll extend your cycle to 8 though!
a 3 week PCT is not long enough. What’s the rush? Do your 4 week PCT like you’re supposed to. PCT is such an important part of the cycle, why would you want to half ass it?
Cheers Yodi, anyone else have any advice on this cycle? Also post prop cycle and pct I was considering doing an Anavar only cycle to really cut up just wondering what feedback people have for an Anavar only cycle e.g what do use with it to keep natural test fro dopping (hcg?) and length,sides etc