hey guys
here is some background on myself, I need some advice if possible.
23 years old, 6ft,endomorph body type, 235pounds, 17% BF currently, lifting for 9 years. two cycles completed. first went very well. second has had issues. I have blood work results following my PCT of my second cycle.
Nov 2012: started 10 week cycle of 600test and 500tren, in 7th week of cycle had ED and very upset/moody, lost all sex drive completely, ended cycle right away
Jan 2013: did proper PCT. 10 000iu HCG(1000iu EoD) nolva 20mg clomid 50mg. recovery only lasted for about 2-3 weeks and then was at same stage as before
6months off everything
July 2013: re did PCT, another 10 000iu HCG nolva clomid
finished that and was ok with sex drive on and off for a few weeks, then it was gone again, and since then I have had little to no luck with erections and no libido. sex is more of a stressor than a stress relief currently.
the blood work results are as follows:
total test:7 pref range: 8-29
bio available test:1.5 pref range: 3-9
SHBG:26 pref range:13-70
LH:2 pref range:1.5-9
FSH:3 pref range:1.5-18
Prolactin:12.5 pref range:2-17
Estradoil:70 pref range: 50-200
I went to my family doctor, he said he has no experience with these issues so he sent me off to the endo in the city, after looking at my bloodwork he said, “you most likely will never have kids, you need TRT for life, start at 200/week and see how you feel, try 300 if you desire too” and sent me home.
I am really trying to get away from TRT due to my young age, I would like to recover and have a sex drive again, I literally forget what it feels like to want to have sex or enjoy it.
after two PCTs and still not returning to normal I am not sure where to go from here, thanks in advance guys.