2-Day Template Question

I’ve read 531 and beyond 531 but maybe I missed the answer to my question. In regards to Jim’s article here on training for busy guys, I understand how to lay out weekend training, but am unsure of what would constitute a cycle. Since I’m only doing the big lifts 531 style every other week would i still raise my TM after 3 weeks? I know i won’t need a deload week since I’d have 5-6 days in between. Thanks to anyone who can clarify this for me.

Was just re- reading 531 and another question came up. How do I schedule the 531 in regards to the week of 5’s, 3’s and 531? Would it just be every other week then? God I feel stupid. Book suggestion Jim, 531 for stupid people.

Cycle would take 6 weeks -which is how long it would take you to run the whole progression.

And probably wouldn’t need to de-load.

After reading your post I am not sure what you are trying to do?

Are you training 2 days a week with 1 main lift per day? Or 2 days a week with 2 main lifts per day?

Or are you training on a weekend every second week? Perhaps you could give a rough outline of 4 weeks of training so we can get a better idea of what your having issues with?

What I’d really like to do is:

Deadlift 531

Bench 531

Then off 6 days and repeat.

531 book and an article by Jim on this site recommend basically alternating the heavy work when training 2 consecutive days:

Deadlifts 531
SQUAT 5x10
Assistance 5x10

Bench 5x10
Assistance 5x10

Then the next week
Deadlift 5x10
Assistance 5x10

Bench 531
PRESS 5x10
Assistance 5x10

In the first scenario I think I can handle the intensity but wasn’t sure how it would work long term as fat as progress.

Second scenario when would I raise my TM .

Sorry if I’m not being clear, I’ve been lifting for a while but have always just followed preset programs, strong lifts then starting strength and now 531, so I’m getting a little over my head having to think about my programming lol.

If I go with Jim’s weekend scenario then I’m only doing the 531 lifts twice a month, is that enough to still make gains and progress?