Im 25, 6’3 and currently weighing in a 230 at 16%. Have been lifing for 2 years.
I have decided to take the plunge and do a beginners cycle (currently) consisting of…
Week 1-12 500mg Test-E (250mg Mon AM/Thurs PM )
Week 1-12 I have enough Arimidex for 0.5mg EOD+
Week 16-19 PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Tribulus
I have access to Dbol. Should I get it in there Week’s 1-6 @ 30mg ED? Or just go with the Test-E only approach for this first cycle? I have Milk Thistle on hand if Dbol is used.
One of the tougher things to find clear answers on has been the PCT and whether just Nolva or a Nolva/Clomid combo is best. I’ve decided i’d prefer Nolva OVER Clomid, but is there merit to running both?
I dare say this is partly dependant on the answer to question 1, but is there merit to running Adex from the get go given I don’t know my body’s susceptibility to estrogen related sides?
Im 25, 6’3 and currently weighing in a 230 at 16%. Have been lifing for 2 years.
I have decided to take the plunge and do a beginners cycle (currently) consisting of…
Week 1-12 500mg Test-E (250mg Mon AM/Thurs PM )
Week 1-12 I have enough Arimidex for 0.5mg EOD+
Week 16-19 PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Tribulus
I have access to Dbol. Should I get it in there Week’s 1-6 @ 30mg ED? Or just go with the Test-E only approach for this first cycle? I have Milk Thistle on hand if Dbol is used.
One of the tougher things to find clear answers on has been the PCT and whether just Nolva or a Nolva/Clomid combo is best. I’ve decided i’d prefer Nolva OVER Clomid, but is there merit to running both?
I dare say this is partly dependant on the answer to question 1, but is there merit to running Adex from the get go given I don’t know my body’s susceptibility to estrogen related sides?
It’s a judgement call, lots of people like to “feel” the test on their first cycle before adding anything else. Personally I think its a nice addition.
I don’t know,
if you do test only you could do without, especially if you have a good connection with your body and are able to understand by “feel” if you need it. With d-bol definately add arimidex. I personally would not like to risk and use it anyway.
I’ve always been told to just keep adex/ai on hand. And then gyno showed up out of nowhere week 5 on a test-only cycle. Took me a week to get everything under control and I’m still tweaking the dosage. I really haven’t experienced any sides from it either. Would have been alot easier had I ran it @ .25 eod from the start…
your cycle looks like a good first cycle, although most would say that training for 2 years is not long enough. I actually agree with that but I know that telling you that won’t stop you doing it so you might as well do it right.
As for the dbol, it’s up to you. Some folk say to just stick to test for a first cycle so you know how your body reacts to it before you start adding other chemicals. Makes sense when you think about it; if you start getting sides you won’t necessarily know what’s causing it.
I would personally use the dianabol. More fun that way! If you are not frontloading the test then you could use it as a kickstart, or use it for the last 4 weeks or so of your cycle before you start PCT. I think it’s called bridging.
I’m not very experienced by the way, so hopefully one of the vets’ll explain a bit more about frontloading and bridging.
I would also seriously consider using hCG at 250iu two or three times a week. Keeps your balls happy.
Good luck with your cycle. I’m halfway through my first and it’s the most fun I think I’ve ever had.
Im 25, 6’3 and currently weighing in a 230 at 16%. Have been lifing for 2 years.
I have decided to take the plunge and do a beginners cycle (currently) consisting of…
Week 1-12 500mg Test-E (250mg Mon AM/Thurs PM )
Week 1-12 I have enough Arimidex for 0.5mg EOD+
Week 16-19 PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Tribulus
I have access to Dbol. Should I get it in there Week’s 1-6 @ 30mg ED? Or just go with the Test-E only approach for this first cycle? I have Milk Thistle on hand if Dbol is used.
One of the tougher things to find clear answers on has been the PCT and whether just Nolva or a Nolva/Clomid combo is best. I’ve decided i’d prefer Nolva OVER Clomid, but is there merit to running both?
I dare say this is partly dependant on the answer to question 1, but is there merit to running Adex from the get go given I don’t know my body’s susceptibility to estrogen related sides?
Start your pct 2 weeks after your last injection of test. not 4
Im 25, 6’3 and currently weighing in a 230 at 16%. Have been lifing for 2 years.
I have decided to take the plunge and do a beginners cycle (currently) consisting of…
Week 1-12 500mg Test-E (250mg Mon AM/Thurs PM )
Week 1-12 I have enough Arimidex for 0.5mg EOD+
Week 16-19 PCT Nolva 40/40/20/20 and Tribulus
I have access to Dbol. Should I get it in there Week’s 1-6 @ 30mg ED? Or just go with the Test-E only approach for this first cycle? I have Milk Thistle on hand if Dbol is used.
One of the tougher things to find clear answers on has been the PCT and whether just Nolva or a Nolva/Clomid combo is best. I’ve decided i’d prefer Nolva OVER Clomid, but is there merit to running both?
I dare say this is partly dependant on the answer to question 1, but is there merit to running Adex from the get go given I don’t know my body’s susceptibility to estrogen related sides?
Start your pct 2 weeks after your last injection of test. not 4[/quote]
By that figure I mean 21 days. Finish week 12, then weeks 13, 14 and 15 off (21 days), then begin PCT week 16. I read an article here on T-Nation that I was happy with that layed out the justification for a 21 day wait for PCT after wrapping up a Test-E cycle. I understand that’s against popular practice, so I may just run it as standard. I’ll find the link.