I know that people say your 1st cycle is best, but is it because your receptors are “fresh”, or because your the farthest away from your genetic potential. Most people say a test and deca or primo stack, maybe with a touch of dbol, and people will retain 15-25 lbs if clomid is used,etc. But say someone does an only deca cycle for their 1st cycle at 400 mg for 8 weeks, and then 2 months later, does a cycle of 500mg test and 400 mg deca for 8 weeks (using clomid properly after both cycles)
Would the 2 cycles equal the same amount o net weight gain as the one cycle provided diet and training,rest are in order? Some people say it’s better to start small (no test) and work your way up with each sucsessive cycle. I’d like everyone’s opinion on this.