hey everybody, 19 years old, been lifting for roughly 3 years, consistently. currently cutting again.
started at 130lb, bulked to 175. cut down to 140, went to 160, stalled there for a bit, then bulked up to 189 again, and now i am currently cutting and am down to 161 lb, aiming to get down to 150 lb. i would say my gains are average for the natural person.
have researched a lot about first cycles etc. decided that i will not start any full blown cycles yet or just cycles that involves test in it. iv read too much about how people below 23 shouldnt be messing with AAS.
I was wondering if there are any steroids out there that doesnt matter about age, i want to start getting more serious, want to boost my cut or muscle gains without taking test etc. my diet and routine is always in check.
im guessing everyone in here will just say to stick with what i am doing, and just stay consistent with everything, but i wanted to know if there are things to take to speed up my cut? or just help me out while cutting or bulking.
I know you won’t listen to this advice so it is for any young ones that read this. Stop bulking and cutting. You are just undoing your progress and changing your body’s set point up and down. Steady gains over time are the way to go. Consider AAS when your hormones are no longer through the roof. Of course there are exceptions, but I promise you aren’t one of them.
get blood work from your doctor to determine where your hormone levels are at.
a lot of guys here will say “at your age, your natural test is through the roof!”, but they are idiots. we have a lot of idiots who post in the steroids forums.
as for aas that will not suppress you, no such thing exists.
and your natural gains thus far are below average at best unless you are 5’7 or shorter
Don’t make the same mistake I and many others did and mess up your hormones for the long run.
Figure out a sweet spot in your diet that allows you to gain slow and steady.
My second biggest mistake over the years was bulking and cutting constantly. Once your lean, continue to gain and stay consistent this way you will maximize gains as you put on size and keep increasing strength safely and consistently. Cutting when you’re natural with immature muscle usually leads to a lot of wasted time gaining mass. Hit your compound lifts hard and heavy and figure out your diet. Your natural test levels are plenty for now
[quote]Hardw0rk wrote:
Your natural test levels are plenty for now[/quote]
there is no way you could possibly know this
[quote]KountKoma wrote:
I know you won’t listen to this advice so it is for any young ones that read this. Stop bulking and cutting. You are just undoing your progress and changing your body’s set point up and down. Steady gains over time are the way to go. Consider AAS when your hormones are no longer through the roof. Of course there are exceptions, but I promise you aren’t one of them.[/quote]
Agreed. The OP’s weight fluctuations are far too extreme. I’ve been lifting for about the same amount of time as the OP, weighing in at 140lbs at the start. I’m 180 now, much leaner than I was then, and I’ve never cut more than 20lbs in a cut.