Rookie Question

Back story–I’m 36 yrs old–6’6" 240–been trying to bulk naturally. I’m carrying around 25% BF. I want to add 15-20 lbs of lean muscle & cut some BF, not looking to be a pro just want to look good-honestly i don’t care about having abs just want a semi flat stomach where i’m not embarrassed to take my shirt off.

What cycle could I run to gain & keep 15-20 lbs of lean muscle? When i was in college i ran a cycle of test–i got stronger but seems it was mostly water weight then lost it all after i stopped.

Help a rookie out!

Why are you willing to run illegal drugs to look fucking average?

Ok, I’ll bite. Chances are you are not eating or training properly. Until you list the above no one can help you. Food and calories are the key. AAS are not magic bullets, they are a huge help, but if you are messing everything else up they will not fix your lack of knowledge. And 25% body fat is really high, you might want to get that in check before you consider “bulking”.