Age: 16 years old
Training: 2? years
Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 80 kg/174 pounds
Some pictures of my physique!
Age: 16 years old
Training: 2? years
Height: 1.82 m
Weight: 80 kg/174 pounds
Some pictures of my physique!
One of my back
My front again
Some advice and critism please
Pretty impressive.
Whats your training and diet look like?
i’d keep yourself at this state and do maintenance calories for the summer months. Come this fall, throw all caution to the wind and eat a shitload while lifting a ton of heavy weight then cut down next spring. Good work man
Very impressive, you must train hard.
What is your training and diet mate?
Very impressive, I don’t know too many 16 year olds that look like that. What are your lifting numbers?
[quote]Jetcloud wrote:
Some advice and critism please :)[/quote]
What advice do you need dude? Looks like you’re doing something right. What goals are you shooting for? bigger? stronger? looks like you’ve got the dieting and conditioning part down
My training is a 3-split program…
Monday: Chest + triceps + abs
4 x 8-10 reps flat benchpress
4 x 8-10 dumbell incline benchpress
4 x 8-10 close grip benchpress
3 x 12-15 cable crossover
3 x 8-10 cable pushdown
3 x 8-10 lying triceps extension
for the abs I take differents exercises… 2-3 different exercises with 3 x 10-15 each.
tuesday: Back + biceps
4 x 8-10 chin-up
4 x 8-10 close grip chin-up
4 x 8-10 seated row
4 x 6-10 deadlift
3 x 8-10 dumbell curl
3 x 8-10 barbell curl
wednesday: Shoulders + legs
4 x 8-10 dumbell shoulder press
4 x 10-12 dumbell lateral raise
4 x 10-12 dumbell rear lateral raise
4 x 12-16 shrugs
4 x 10-16 seated leg press
thursday: chest + tricep + abs
friday: back + bicep
saturday: shoulders + legs
sunday: pause
I Just started training legs, so I just train 1 exercise right now…
I dont have any diet plan, but I eat healty food! And I also take some diet supplement as protein powder and some other things.
And thanks for your compliments!
My goal is that I want to get 8-10 kilo muscles, and 1-2 % bodyfat lessere…
I lift in benchpress: 110 kg x 6, that’s my maximum I have tried…
Excellent job, keep it up. Unless you’re a genetic freak, no bashing intended, you will not get to 1-2% bodyfat and keep that level for more than a few days. In general the human body needs a higher level of fat than that to survive.
He said 1 or 2% less not to get down to 1 or 2%.
Jet, first he is saying he wants to drop 1-2%.
And to OP. Instead of leg presses do Squats.
yes you have a nice little beach physique, probably one that most chicks dig.
BUt im willing to bet that your a naturally lean guy, and what little muscle youve added shows on you like an NFL wide reciever.
Lets see a shot of your legs and calves?
this is physique right? not rate my upper body.
Some before pics of the hair, please.
Have you really been training for 2.5 years? lol I was just curious cause that’s what it said on your profile. Either way good job, if you gain 20lbs I’m pretty sure you’ll look the same or mybe just a tad not as lean, but the muscle will look better on you anyways. I’ve been in the position before so I’m not just throwing shit outta my ass lol
Looking real nice there, bro
(du faar stor 5-tal af mig)
Yes I can take some pictures of my legs next time, but as I said I just started to train them for a month ago… So I dont got the biggest legs
Before pics of my hair? I don’t understand sorry…
and yes I’ve been training for 2 1/2 years, and I also type it down when I wrote my stats, but instead of the 1/2, there came a “?”, weird!
I just found this picture… It’s 1 year old, but I like it
[quote]Jetcloud wrote:
Yes I can take some pictures of my legs next time, but as I said I just started to train them for a month ago… So I dont got the biggest legs
Before pics of my hair? I don’t understand sorry…
and yes I’ve been training for 2 1/2 years, and I also type it down when I wrote my stats, but instead of the 1/2, there came a “?”, weird!
I just found this picture… It’s 1 year old, but I like it :)[/quote]
this was your back at age 15? nice work.
Looking very solid. Especially at that age.